
What is the perfection of life?

What is the perfection of life?

“Free from any flaw or defect,” is one of the definitions of the word perfect. And that is something we are usually running after — to have a life without flaws or defects, a life where nothing can go wrong, where there’s no trouble, where you don’t have to worry about anything.

Why are humans obsessed with perfection?

Usually, we strive toward being perfect to compensate for a sense of inadequacy. People who want to be perfect usually have an exaggerated sense of their own shortcomings. They typically received messages earlier in life that they weren’t good enough.

Is Perfection a myth?

Perfection is a myth. In order to have an authentic performance, you have to be willing to tell the truth and be seen. Perfection—the idea that it’s possible to not make mistakes—is a myth. It’s the enemy of progress.

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Who said Perfection is the enemy of progress?

Winston Churchill
“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” -Winston Churchill. We’ve all said this before…

Do I suffer from perfectionism?

While high achievers take pride in their accomplishments and tend to be supportive of others, perfectionists tend to spot mistakes and imperfections. They hone in on imperfections and have trouble seeing anything else. They’re more judgmental and hard on themselves and on others when “failure” does occur.

Is it possible to be perfect in life?

Seeking perfection at a particular task might be achievable, and certainly, students can strive to attain a perfect grade, or you can try to accomplish a perfect job at something. Yet, the goal of being perfect in life is altogether a different story. A machine or electronic device may operate perfectly; at least for a while.

Is perfection achievable?

Perfection suggests a state of flawlessness, without any defects. Seeking perfection at a particular task might be achievable, and certainly, students can strive to attain a perfect grade, or you can try to accomplish a perfect job at something. Yet, the goal of being perfect in life is altogether a different story.

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Is there such a thing as perfection?

After all, someone else can’t really judge you unless you confer upon him or her the power of being a judge. The closest thing to perfection is in the ability to be fully present. Without any distracting thoughts measuring or grading ourselves, we’re free to really be in the moment. It’s at that moment that we’re truly alive.

Why do some people want to be perfect?

People who want to be perfect usually have an exaggerated sense of their own shortcomings. They typically received messages earlier in life that they weren’t good enough. So they decided that only by being perfect would they be beyond reproach.