Why do women stare at other women Quora?

Why do women stare at other women Quora?

Admiration – sometimes women stare because we are just as visual as men, only in ways that are further detailed and at the same time not as explicit. If they like the type of clothes worn or how a woman does her hair, etc, then they will look since eyes become appealed to what looks nice no matter what.

Why does a girl keep looking at another girl?

It could also be because she is attracted to the other girl. Hope that helped a little! The other girl is smarter or she found the girl having something unique within her.So she stares at her because she admires something in her.

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Is it okay for a man to stare at other women?

If you’re a woman who is in a love relationship or marriage with a man who tends to stare at other women, you’d probably agree with Jessica that this is NOT a completely harmless behavior. While it’s true that checking out an attractive woman is vastly different than cheating, there is an effect…and it’s not beneficial to connection and trust.

Is it normal for a girl to stare at your chest?

The occasional glance is normal because women are competitive and size each other up. But flat out staring is creepy! I knew a girl who stared at my chest every time we had a conversation and even though she was sweet I couldn’t get over it and we never really became friends.

Why do men look at other women?

Advertisements by Carl’s Jr., Victoria Secret, and car and beer makers, all use scantily clad women in sexually provocative poses to sell their products (are we buying the car, the girl, or does the girl come with the car?) contribute to why men look at other women.

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Why do women stare at my hips?

I have had women stare at my hips too, but I just thought it was because they were slightly big (or I think they’re big). The occasional glance is normal because women are competitive and size each other up. But flat out staring is creepy!