What should you do if you find a victim unconscious on the ground and the scene is not safe?

What should you do if you find a victim unconscious on the ground and the scene is not safe?

Contact emergency services immediately if someone is unconscious. If the person is not breathing, begin CPR only after calling for help. It is especially important to seek help before performing CPR if the person: has lost bladder or bowel control.

When assessing an unconscious patient what is your first priority?

Assessment of the unconscious patient The first priority is to ensure safety before approaching the patient. Use the SAFE approach and evaluate the ABCs. If there is any suspicion that the patient may have been a victim of trauma, the neck is immobilised in a rigid cervical collar while the airway is being assessed.

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What should you do if someone is unconscious?

Call or tell someone to call 911 or the local emergency number. Check the person’s airway, breathing, and pulse frequently. If necessary, begin CPR. If the person is breathing and lying on their back, and you do not think there is a spinal injury, carefully roll the person toward you onto their side.

What are the three steps you should follow to ensuring scene safety?

Always remember to stop, think, then act. The STOP part stops you from rushing in and getting hurt. It gives you chance to THINK; what dangers are at the scene, what could hurt you, do you need help, where are your exits, etc.

What happens when you are unconscious?

People who become unconscious don’t respond to loud sounds or shaking. They may even stop breathing or their pulse may become faint. This calls for immediate emergency attention. The sooner the person receives emergency first aid, the better their outlook will be.

What is the best way to check if a person is unconscious?


  1. look to see if their chest is rising and falling.
  2. listen over their mouth and nose for breathing sounds.
  3. feel their breath against your cheek for 10 seconds.
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What nursing considerations should be considered when providing care for the unconscious patient?

Care of Unconscious Patient Maintaining patient’s airway. Protecting the patient from falling off the bed. Maintaining fluid balance and managing nutritional needs. Maintaining skin integrity.

What is scene safety in CPR?

But safety is any potential hazard that could impact your ability to help someone else. Hazards could be something very obvious – traffic, downed power lines, smoke, or fire.

How do you ensure the safety of scene?

To ensure scene safety:

  1. Ensure personal, team, and bystander safety.
  2. Evaluate the scene for risks and hazards, and take steps to mitigate, manage, and control.
  3. Assess the scene, and advise responding units of the following information: Nature of emergency. Brief description of the incident and the scene.

What should you do if a 45 year old female is unconscious?

A​ 45-year-old female is found unconscious. She is not breathing but has a pulse. You should​ NEXT: Initiate postive pressure ventilations A​ 56-year-old male has fallen off a​ 12-foot ladder. After ensuring scene safety and completing the scene​ size-up, you should​ NEXT: take manual C-spine precautions

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What is the general impression of the patient with a fall?

You are called to a scene of a fall and find the patient unconscious with a twisted leg. A general impression of this patient would​ be: Deciding that the patients fall was severe that they injured their leg checking their pulse is NOT part of a general impression… pay attention to wording

How do you take a patient’s blood pressure after a crash?

Place the back of your hand against the​ patient’s abdomen. Place your cheek against the​ patient’s forehead. Place your cheek against the​ patient’s abdomen. You are transporting a patient to the hospital from a motor vehicle crash. Your​ patient’s initial blood pressure was​ 88/52.

What should you suspect a patient presenting with yellow skin color?

A patient presents with yellow skin color. You should suspect: problems with the liver. Which of the following statements regarding a patient’s pulse rate is correct? constrict. assess for unequal motion of one side or section of the chest. You enter the residence of an unconscious 30-year-old man.