
What is the best answer for Tell me something about yourself?

What is the best answer for Tell me something about yourself?

Every good answer to “tell me about yourself” should consist of: Work – This should make up about 80\% of your answer. Focus on your previous experience and accomplishments here. Academic – 10-15\% of your answer should then be about your academic background (university, academic achievements, etc.).

Where do you see yourself in 5 years Example answers?

Example answer: Over the next few years, I want to explore and develop skills in project management. In five years, I want to have gained experience in leading projects for major clients. I will be looking for opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal.

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What are some fun facts about yourself to tell others?

List of 51 Examples of Fun Facts about Yourself to Tell Others 1. “One of my favorite things to do is…. “. Whether it’s a hobby or just something you enjoy doing (for yourself or… 2. “Right now, I’m reading about….”. Whether you’re a bookworm or are just determined to keep learning, your new… 3.

What are some good secrets to tell about yourself?

Good Secrets to Tell about Yourself. 37. “Instead of the job I have, I’ve always dreamed of being. . .” 38. “Not many people know this about me, but when I was younger, I…” 39. “One thing I’m very afraid of is…” 40. “When I was a teenager, I never told my parents that I…” 41.

What are some weird things to say to your friends?

Leaving aside comments others are likely to find crass or creepy, consider the following list of weird things to say to your friends (or anyone else who’s listening). Don’t forget to save your favorites. 1. “I said ‘No’ to drugs, but they wouldn’t listen.” 2. “If, at first, you don’t succeed, destroy the evidence that you tried.” 3.

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What are the five types of people you need to get out?

The Five Types of People You Need to Get Out of Your Life. 1 1. The Critic. Have you ever been in a relationship in which you feel judged and criticized no matter what you do? Criticism is different than advice, 2 2. The Passive Aggressor. 3 3. The Narcissist. 4 4. The Stonewaller. 5 5. The Antisocial Personality.