
What does it mean when she never starts the conversation?

What does it mean when she never starts the conversation?

She isn’t sure she wants to keep chatting Another possible explanation for her never initiating is that she isn’t sure whether she wants to continue the conversation. In this situation, she might be slightly interested but not willing to put in the effort to start conversations.

Why do people end conversations with me?

Reasons for people to stop talking to you. If someone has stopped talking to you, it could mean many things: they might be busy, overwhelmed, depressed, angry at you, or disinterested in continuing a relationship for another reason.

What happens when a girl never initiates contact?

If a girl never initiates contact I feel she’s not interested. There has to be some “give”. @dox1842 I agree completely, I don’t think any guy likes playing koi. We’re more straightforward about how we feel towards girls. If a girl doesn’t respond and ignores a guy he’s going to feel bad and then move on.

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Should I date a girl that never initiates?

Don’t waste time on a girl that never initiates. If she doesn’t, it’s very likely there are other guys in the picture, which is why she doesn’t care if she talks to you or not, hence why she never initiates, because there’s the other guys she can talk to. She might also be using you for an ego boost.

How to start a conversation with a girl?

A lot of things girls do is to protect themselves and weed out people they deem inappropriate. One thing I have always found is it pays to be more persistent and start the convo’s. At least you get to talk to her and learn more about her. That is the way to talk to most girls..

What does it mean when she never texts first but always replies?

She’s Just Being Polite: She might only be responding to your texts because she feels it would be rude to stay silent. This usually is the case if she keeps the texts very short and impersonal. Now you have all the info you need to help you decide what it means when she never texts first but always replies!

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