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Why did Thanos erase half of the universe?

Why did Thanos erase half of the universe?

Long story short, Thanos believes the universe needs less population. He erases half the sentient beings in the universe so that the other half can live good lives, free of the problems that overpopulation causes.

What does Thanos use to accomplish His plan?

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, the villain Thanos acquired the infinity stones for a gauntlet that let him snap his fingers and turn half the population to dust. In doing so, Thanos believes he’s achieved his goal, a universe free of suffering.

What is Thanos’s goal?

Thanos’ goal is to eliminate half the life in the universe using the stones’ incredible power, but he doesn’t do that for no reason. Thanos believes that the only way to save the universe is to thin out the life in it, to eliminate conflict for resources that would otherwise lead to death and suffering.

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Why didn’t Thanos double the resources in the universe?

He didn’t double the resources in the universe because that’s not what he’s trying to accomplish, and also because he’s an unhinged, sociopathic supervillain who is basically on a holy crusade. Thanos’ plan only has to make sense to him, and in terms of fitting his character, it’s perfect.

Why did Thanos wipe out all life on Earth?

When it came time to discuss the method to Thanos’ madness, Joe Russo explained why Thanos decided to wipe out life instead of doubling resources: to prove he was right. “People have asked us why Thanos didn’t just use the Stones to double the resources in the universe, since clearly, he has not.

Is Thanos’ plan a plot hole?

So there you have it: Thanos’ plan isn’t a plot hole, it’s a function of his essential character. He didn’t double the resources in the universe because that’s not what he’s trying to accomplish, and also because he’s an unhinged, sociopathic supervillain who is basically on a holy crusade.