Tips and tricks

What do you say to someone who is an atheist?

What do you say to someone who is an atheist?

Anything religious/scriptural is inappropriate and actually rude (or at least thoughtless) to say to an atheist in this situation, and may be perceived as an overt insult. If the atheist is a friend, then say words of friendship and empathy.

Are secular condolences appropriate for atheists and agnostics?

I’ve also included some advice for creating your own, personalized messages appropriate for atheists, agnostics, or anyone else. Since it can be difficult to know the exact beliefs of the deceased and those left behind, secular condolences are always appropriate, even for people who are not atheists or agnostics.

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What to say to a family member who lost a friend?

If someone you’re related to loses a friend, you may feel their pain acutely even if you didn’t know the deceased very well. You can use these sentiments to help a family member through a devastating loss. 1. “My heart is hurting for you right now.”

What to say to someone who has passed away?

The simplest and most straightforward thing you can do is send your loved one some written condolences. If you’re religious, you may have certain phrases you would find comforting. But you need to keep your intended audience in mind. If the deceased and their family wasn’t religious, a religious sentiment may be inappropriate.

Does religion bring meaning in the face of death?

And when a loved one dies, rituals like sitting Shiva or preparing for a funeral mass offer structured, familiar activities for loved ones to do. But saying that religion helps people find meaning in the face of death does not prove that meaning is absent without religion.

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What can you do when a loved one dies?

Reading scripture or meditating is something an individual can do, even with physical disability. And when a loved one dies, rituals like sitting Shiva or preparing for a funeral mass offer structured, familiar activities for loved ones to do.

How is my father alive through me?

You are physically an embodiment of your father’s biological and genetic essence. This includes everything from how you look to many of the behavioral and personality traits you have. In other words — and this is not an exaggeration — your father is literally alive through you, as mine is through me.