Why did Bilbo stay with the elves?

Why did Bilbo stay with the elves?

So, Bilbo wanted to stay because he wanted to enjoy the elves’ singing, and because he wanted to know more about them. For Bilbo, meeting an elf, let alone visiting one of their major strongholds, was part of the appeal of the journey, inspired at least in part by his un-hobbit-like curiosity.

How did the elves know Bilbo?

Q: How Did Elrond’s People Know Bilbo’s Name in The Hobbit? ANSWER: In The Hobbit the Elves of Rivendell greet Bilbo Baggins by name before he has introduced himself properly. The narrative says that he wondered how they should know his name.

What happened to Bilbo in Rivendell?

Having left the Ring behind, Bilbo resolved to do at least a little more traveling in Middle-earth before he died, and set out for Rivendell. He stayed in the realm of Elrond for some time, then left again to visit the city of Dale and gaze upon the Lonely Mountain one more time before returning again to Rivendell.

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How long did Bilbo stay in Rivendell?

Gandalf, Bilbo, and the Dwarves arrive at Rivendell and stay for a fortnight.

Where does Bilbo go with the elves?

Frodo leaves Middle-earth for the Undying Lands with Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Celeborn, and Galadriel. This is considered a mystical land, home to the Valar, ‘angelic’ beings, also known as the ‘masters of spirits’.

Can Bilbo speak Elvish?

Bilbo likely had the Middle-earth equivalent to a classical education – he could speak Sindarin and Quenya. Though, he started learning the languages and doing translations later on in life, after his adventure, after having met Elrond and gaining access to texts to study from.

What languages does Bilbo speak?

You might want to consider that Bilbo learned elvish from his mother, Belladonna Took. An adveturess in her youth friend of wizards and elves. Professor Tolkien himself was taught Latin and Greek at a very early age by his own mother so my theory might not be to far of the mark.

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Why is Bilbo at Rivendell?

But as soon as Gandalf found out that Sauron captured Gollum, and discovered what Sauron had learned about the Ring and Bilbo; then Gandalf and Elrond knew that Bilbo would not be safe anywhere except Rivendell or the Shire, and Bilbo did not want to stay in the Shire. And so they convinced him to stay in Rivendell.

Where did Bilbo and Frodo go with the elves?

Bilbo and Frodo were granted special dispensation to go with the Elves to Valinor because of what they had done to save the world from Sauron.

How old is Bilbo Baggins at the end of The Hobbit?

In The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey the 50 year old Bilbo Baggins is played Martin Freeman and when he gets to his 100’s (at the start of the movie and in The Lord of the Rings) Ian Holm plays a older grey haired version of Bilbo. Time wore on, but it seemed to have little effect on Mr. Baggins. At ninety he was much the same as fifty.

Why didn’t Sauron ever find Bilbo when he put on the ring?

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The Reason why Sauron doesn’t find Bilbo when he puts on the Ring is because putting on the Ring isn’t enough for Sauron to find you. Sauron was noteffective at finding Frodo; Frodo wore the Ring at least 4 times (out of 6) without Sauron finding him. Frodo’s troubles when using the Ring occur in very specific circumstances:

Why doesn’t Bilbo change in the movies?

Therefore Bilbo did change, he did show signs of age, but just not as much as would have been expected. So it’s valid to show a changed Bilbo in the movies. Because Peter Jackson got it wrong. Also, in the movie we see Bilbo rapidly age after he passes on the Ring to Frodo.

How many times has The Hobbit been viewed on IMDb?

Viewed 11k times. 14. In The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey the 50 year old Bilbo Baggins is played Martin Freeman and when he gets to his 100’s (at the start of the movie and in The Lord of the Rings) Ian Holm plays a older grey haired version of Bilbo.