
Why did danzo want Orochimaru to be Hokage?

Why did danzo want Orochimaru to be Hokage?

He wanted the position of Hokage to further his own agenda, not to protect the Hidden Leaf citizens. Orochimaru desired the title of Hokage because he both viewed it as a position of absolute power, and also as a means of receiving the adoration and praise he felt he deserved.

Would Orochimaru have been a good Hokage?

Orochimaru would be a pick-me-up Hokage that would be fully capable and qualified of getting the village back to stability. And believe it or not, he’s loyal to the village. He respects Naruto and Sasuke too much to betray their memory. And beyond that, he wants what’s best for him at the end of the day.

Is Hokage stronger than Orochimaru?

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It is true that Orochimaru was ultimately able to defeat the Third Hokage during their memorable battle on Konoha’s rooftops.

Is danzo a Hokage?

Danzo was never officially the hokage, but when it was time to choose a new hokage. Kakashi was chosen but danzo instead sprouting nonsense about hiruzen(third hokage) and the hokage choosing people named him hokage.

Who are Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru?

Though Naruto and his Leaf village allies have faced many threats over the series’s 700 episode duration ranging from rivaling nations to alien gods, the anime’s most sinister minds were birthed from Konoha itself; Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru. Both men have a long list of crimes worthy of contempt, from assassination to genocide.

Why did Danzo kill the Third Hokage?

Discontent with Sarutobi’s leadership and drunk with power, Danzo arranged for his Foundation assassins to attack the Third Hokage as he was roaming through the forest with his Anbu guards, under orders to kill him.

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How did Danzo get Izanagi’s free arm?

Danzo’s Izanagi arm was not free. It was made for him by Orochimaru after they had struck a bargain. The two of them are close associates, with one often assisting the endeavors of the other for a symbiotic relationship.

How did Orochimaru become an immortal Ninja?

He collected the eyes of the piling Uchiha corpses, working them into his arm and effectively making himself an immortal ninja. Before his treason to the Leaf, Orochimaru served Konoha during the war against the other great nations.