
Do you need to be good at math to be an engineer?

Do you need to be good at math to be an engineer?

Originally Answered: Do engineers need to be good at math? Yes. They need to understand calculus, multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and statistics so that they can understand what’s going on with the engineering models they use.

What kind of math do engineers use?

Mathematics is a big part of an engineer’s daily work, including statistics, calculus, algebra, geometry and trigonometry. The type of math an engineer uses will depend on the type of engineer she/he is and the type of project in which they are involved.

Why Indian parents want their children to become Doctor or engineer?

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Originally Answered: Why in India, parents want their kids to be only doctors or engineers? Because according to the old concept, Indian parents consider Engineering and Doctor or Medical, as the most fine paid jobs and that these jobs are the most top class jobs.

Should I take engineering if my parents want me to?

But do not ignore engineering just because your parents tell it or take engineering if your parents want. Engineering is either the best time of your life or the worst time. Depends on your interest. Have a plan and get going. Tell them that u are not interested ]

How old do you have to be to start studying math?

No matter how old you are you should start from the beginning. Even If you know and understand few or many mathematical concepts study them once again. Studying them again won’t lose you anything but it will make your knowledge more deep. By the word beginning I mean basic arithmetic operations.

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How many questions does edschool Maths offer?

School mathematics and physics provide the tools we need, so we offer around 300 questions adapted from OCR A-level papers. There are full video tutorials and a facility to provide email help if you get “confused” (provided you are logged in).

How do I convince my parents to let me go to University?

Try and find the average salaries of graduates from the program you want to enlist in, and show this to your parents. If you don’t know where to look, try and write to the admissions office. Good luck! I’m going to approach this from a different angle.