
Why INFPs are better than INFJs?

Why INFPs are better than INFJs?

INFPs score much higher on honesty and authenticity than the INFJ personality type. More likely to speak your mind and share your own feelings, even when they disagree with or hurt the feelings of others. INFJs can learn to be great in any of the areas INFPs are good at, too.

Can you change from INFJ to Infp?

INFJs and INFPs have completely different cognitive functions, even though the Myers-Briggs test says they are only one letter off. This is one of the problems with just taking the test (among many others), and it’s also why you cannot simply change your type (or be two types) – it doesn’t work that way..

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Can I be INFP and INFJ?

INFPs and INFJs are compatible and could be good in a relationship. In addition to both being introverted, INFPs and INFJs have a lot in common. They are both caring nurturers who feel passionately about their values and belief systems.

Are INFP intellectuals?

INFP is an intrapersonally smart personality. They possess high emotional intelligence that helps understand human subjectivity. They see multiple perspectives in a situation, too. Furthermore, INFPs can be as logically and numerically smart as INTPs and INTJs.

Which MBTI type has the highest EQ?

Perceivers tend to have a higher average EQ since their minds are open and willing to accept new information. They also tend to be less judgemental and don’t jump to conclusions that often. Therefore, INFPs and ENFPs are most likely to have the highest EQ.

What is the difference between INFJs and INFPs?

5 Crucial Differences Between INFJs and INFPs 1. INFP vs INFJ: Different Driver processes The Driver process can also be called the “dominant cognitive function.” It’s the mind’s first point of contact and the primary lens through which everything gets filtered.

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Which feeling function do INFJs use the most?

The INFJs feeling function is like a tree with shallow roots, but long branches reaching out and absorbing emotions and feelings everywhere around it. INFPs use Introverted Feeling. This is their favorite function, the one they use without having to try. INFPs constantly analyze how things fit in with their value system.

Are You being mistyped on the INFJ/INFJ test?

As a result, numerous people are being mistyped or getting different results each time they take the test. The most common mistype to come from these online tests is the INFP/INFJ mistype. Take my INFJ or INFP Test!

Do INFJs have trouble making decisions?

INFJs can also have trouble making decisions, but not for the same reason. Their decision-making process – technically called Extraverted Feeling that we’ve nicknamed “Harmony” – is faster than Authenticity, but secondary for them. That is, they lead with Perspectives, and Harmony is an auxiliary process.

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