
Is persistency and consistency the same?

Is persistency and consistency the same?

Consistent means behaving or acting the same way or doing something the same way over time. Persistent means continuing to do something despite difficulties and challenges.

What is the difference between consistency and consistency?

As nouns the difference between consistent and consistency is that consistent is (in the plural|rare) objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another while consistency is local coherence.

What does persistency mean?

persistency. / (pəˈsɪstəns) / noun. the quality of persisting; tenacity. the act of persisting; continued effort or existence.

What is the difference between constantly and persistently?

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As adverbs the difference between persistently and constantly. is that persistently is in a persistent manner while constantly is (archaic) with steadfastness; with resolve; in loyalty, faithfully.

What is a synonym for consistent?

dependable, logical, persistent, rational, steady, true, coherent, even, expected, homogeneous, invariable, of a piece, same, unchanging, undeviating, unfailing, uniform, unvarying, accordant, according to.

What is known as consistency?

agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing: consistency of colors throughout the house. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

How do you use persistency?

Persistency sentence example The bitterness and persistency of his attacks on his colleague Pierre Bayle led to the latter being deprived of his chair in 1693.

Is consistency the same as determination?

Consistency is perceived as the ability to sustain continuous effort despite external forces. Ceaseless determination is paramount to draw a favourable outcome in this instance. Consistency builds character and sharpens the mind.

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How do you become consistent and persistent?

They let their fears and doubts paralyze them from moving persistently toward their goals….6 Effective Ways to Become Persistent

  1. Identify Your Wants and Desires.
  2. Determine Your Motivation.
  3. Outline Your Definite Action Step.
  4. Keep a Positive Mental Attitude.

What is the difference between persistence and persistency?

Persistence vs Persistency – What’s the difference? is that persistence is the property of being persistent while persistency is (uncountable) the state or characteristic of being persistent. The property of being persistent. You’ve got to admire his persistence . He’s asked her out every day for a month even though she keeps turning him down.

What are persistent and consistent characteristics?

Persistent and consistent are two attributes that are desirable for all individuals and help a great deal in achieving goals that a person sets for himself. These are also qualities most wanted in leaders and managers to help them lead from the front.

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What does it mean to be a persistent person?

Persistent means continuing to do something despite difficulties and challenges. The Oxford Dictionary defines persistent as “continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition”. A man who never gives up in spite of problems is a persistent man.

What is the meaning of the word consistent?

1 Meaning. Consistent means behaving or acting the same way or doing something the same way over time. Persistent means continuing to do something despite difficulties and challenges. 2 Implications. Consistent merely implies evenness and steadiness. 3 Connotations. Consistent has connotations like steady, reliable and stable.