
How far can a submarine periscope see?

How far can a submarine periscope see?

At sea this is around 11 to 12 miles. If a target is near the horizon then you may be able to see masts or superstructure through the periscope. Modern submarines do not use traditional optical periscopes but optronic masts that employ a range of sensors including a camera and infra red sensor.

How did ww2 submarines see where they going?

At depths below periscope depth submarines determine their position using: Dead reckoning course information obtained from the ship’s gyrocompass, measured speed and estimates of local ocean currents, this could also be considered an estimated position as long as the ocean current is computed in.

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What was first in submarines by sailors to see above the water?

Periscopes can be used in many ways beyond seeing above water from a submarine.

What was periscope depth?

When a submarine is submerged to a depth that is equal to the length of the periscope tube, it is considered to be at periscope depth. Periscopes are contained inside a periscope well within the ship’s sail. On submarines, “sail” is a term often used to describe the conning tower.

Can submarines be detected by satellite?

However, satellites, too, could use quantum sensors to influence submarine warfare. Satellites using quantum gravimeters, which could improve sensitivity of sensors designed to detect and measure gravity fields, could potentially detect submarines, or more likely, map out seafloors with new levels of precision.

How often do submarines have to surface?

While old diesel submarines needed to surface in a matter of hours or a few days at best to recharge batteries, new AIP powered vessels only need to surface every two to four weeks depending on type.

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Why did WW2 subs have to surface?

World War II submarines were basically surface ships that could travel underwater for a limited time. Diesel engines gave them high surface speed and long range, but speed and range were severely reduced underwater, where they relied on electric motors powered by relatively short-lived storage batteries.

How does a periscope work on a submarine?

Submarines have periscopes so that people inside can what is on the surface of the water. In a periscope, light from an object strikes the top mirror at 45° and bounces off at the same angle. This sends light directly down the tube and onto the lower mirror.

What is a submarine periscope and how does it work?

Since a submarine can attack while hidden underwater, they need a unique solution to tracking their enemy and that is where the submarine periscope comes in. The early designs of the submarine periscope that were used in World War 2 were very simple by essentially having two telescopes pointing towards each other.

What was the purpose of the submarine in WW2?

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Submarines in WWII. Submarines are very valuable attack vehicles. In World War II they were basically surface ships that could travel underwater for a limited time—however, as you will understand after exploring these pages, German U-boats had a number of considerably more advanced features than those of the United States.

What was the first sight tube on a submarine?

The earliest submarines were built without provision for periscopes and therefore, when submerged, were forced to grope their way blindly. In 1854 Marie Davey, a Frenchman, designed a sight tube for a submarine. This tube contained two mirrors, one above the other, held at a 45 degree angle and facing in opposite directions.

How far can a submarine go in WW2?

Submarines in WWII. The main weapon used by submarines is the torpedo, which in itself is a 3,000 pound “mini-submarine,” able to travel about 9,000 yards (a little over 4 miles), and dive and rise through the sea to pre-calculated depths. The submarine can travel with great agility, guided by a gyro and propelled by steam…