Which is better for a student desktop or laptop?

Which is better for a student desktop or laptop?

If they need to go to school every day and have a computer at their school desk, a laptop is sufficient. If they are studying at home and also want to be able to play games, stream, and edit YouTube videos, a desktop PC is your best bet.

Which is a benefit of owning a desktop computer instead of a laptop?

Advantages of a desktop computer, as compared to a laptop computer: Desktop computers have more power and more features. Desktop computers are easier, and less expensive, to upgrade. Desktop computers are generally less expensive overall and offer a better overall value.

What does a gaming computer do?

A gaming computer, also known as a gaming PC, is a specialized personal computer designed for playing video games. Gaming PCs typically differ from mainstream personal computers by using high-performance video cards and high core-count central processing units with raw performance.

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Are Gaming Desktops good for school?

You can do school work on a gaming PC as it is just an ordinary computer but with better specifications – faster speeds, better graphics, and more powerful processors. In addition to gaming, you can use a gaming PC for anything, including office work, school work, graphic design, and video editing.

How do I choose a laptop that my parents will like?

Pick a laptop you can use for things your parents would approve of, like schoolwork. You can, for example, look for a laptop with built in word processing features. Try to find a laptop that’s durable. Your parents may feel it would be a bad idea to buy you a laptop as you may break it.

How to convince your parents to let you build your own computer?

In the first step of presenting your case, you must, in fact, present your case. Tell your parents that you want to build your own gaming computer and tell them why it will be beneficial if you did. Here are 5 reasons that you can give your parents on why it would be beneficial for your to build your own system:

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How can I convince my parents to let me get a Mac?

Have your parents talk to your school computer technician or teacher. See what they have to say. Tell them the reasons for needing/wanting a Mac. I will have a lot of papers to write and more things to research and you will not want me hogging your computer.

Should you buy your own laptop?

Having your own laptop can give you a sense of personal freedom and independence. Your parents, however, may worry about safety, or may feel a laptop is very expensive. Work on building a case for yourself. Identify the benefits of having your own laptop, such as the ability to work on papers and schoolwork.