
What should be the daily routine of a CAT aspirant?

What should be the daily routine of a CAT aspirant?

So, that will be 36 days each (12weeks * 3 days per week) for DI and LR. Also, try to solve 2 sets every day (one DI set and one LR set). Spend around 1 hour every day for the DI / LR Concepts….CAT preparation Topic-wise study-plan:

Topic No. of days
RC’s 14-15
Para Summary 8-10
Para Completion 8-10
Para Jumbles 8-10

How many hours should a CAT aspirant study?

It would be advisable to devote around 25-30 hours per week towards preparation for CAT exam. As mentioned above, many students who joined T.I.M.E. for 3-6 months of CAT classroom program have cracked the CAT exam and have secured admission into the IIMs.

How much should a CAT aspirant sleep?

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More so for CAT aspirants as the key here is having sharp memory and alertness. Experts say, it is important to sleep for a minimum of eight hours in the night to be fully energized, alert and attentive in the daytime. To ensure there is no daytime fatigue, you must fix a time to sleep.

How many RCs should I solve daily?

Try solving two RCs every day, hence in 180 days you will be done with 360 RCs. No one can stop you then. For the VA section, the only strategy is to practice, practice and practice.

How can I get my cat to concentrate?

Here are 5 ways which will teach you how to reduce stress and remain focused on CAT exam.

  1. Stay Motivated and Believe in Yourself.
  2. Start Early.
  3. Follow your preparation plan.
  4. Don’t hesitate in asking for help.
  5. Use Technology.

How can I improve my cats RCS?

CAT VA-RC Tips | Test-Day Strategy – 4 Things To Keep In Mind

  1. Accuracy Over Attempts – Always.
  2. Start With Verbal Ability, Then Move On To Reading Comprehension.
  3. Take Genuine Interest In RC Essays.
  4. Search For Specific Answers To Specific Questions.
  5. Reading Is Important, But Mock Tests Are Much More Important.