Tips and tricks

What classes should I take in highschool to be a philosophy major?

What classes should I take in highschool to be a philosophy major?


  • AP German Language.
  • World history.
  • Trigonometry.
  • Philosophy.
  • European history.
  • Computer science.
  • AP English Literature.
  • AP Comparative Government & Politics.

Can you study philosophy in high school?

Philosophy is routinely taught in Europe, Latin America, and other parts of the world as a standard feature of the secondary school curriculum. Currently, the United States does not require philosophy as a required subject for high school students.

Is philosophy an easy degree?

Philosophy is actually a really tough degree. Taking a module in Logic can be the breaking point of your degree, its a marmite module and it takes some serious brain power, especially when it comes to writing an essay on it. Being original in Philosophy is virtually impossible.

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Is there an AP philosophy course?

An AP Philosophy course would study the history of philosophy and interesting philosophical questions, bringing creativity and teaching students how to think, not merely what to think.

What is the best reason to major in philosophy?

The best reason to major in philosophy would be that you love it. (And contrariwise, if you have taken a philosophy course and found that you don’t love it, that’s about the best reason there could be for not majoring in it.) But other reasons for majoring in philosophy are discussed in these:

Is a degree in philosophy worth it?

A lot of students are deterred from majoring in philosophy by the widespread belief that a degree in philosophy translates into low earning potential. This turns out not to be true. Each year, issues a report on the median starting salaries and mid-career salaries of people with only bachelor’s degrees, sorted by major.

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Is philosophy a good pre-med major?

Though it is often overlooked for this purpose, philosophy is also an excellent pre-med major. Here at Chapel Hill, the requirements of the philosophy major have a great deal of flexibility built into them, making it relatively easy to fit in all the science courses you need to take as a pre-med.

What does it take to be a philosophy teacher?

Teachers are deep thinkers and need to be good at conveying complicated terms, concepts, and ideas to their students. A philosophy-trained teacher will be able to articulate and express complex ideas and terms, making almost all subjects accessible and within reach for all their students.