
Why do I like someone the opposite of me?

Why do I like someone the opposite of me?

There’s usually a reason why people may be attracted to their opposite. According to clinical psychologist John Mayer, PhD, author of Family Fit: Find Your Balance in Life, you’re attracted to your opposite because they have some qualities that you feel you kinda suck at.

Do opposites really attract in love?

The idea that “opposites attract” in relationships is a myth. In reality, people tend to be attracted to those who are similar to themselves, as dozens of studies have shown. This could be because personality contrasts tend to stand out and become bigger over time.

Can 2 people with the same personality date?

In romantic and other types of relationships, it’s not uncommon for partners to share the same personality traits. On the other hand, there are individuals who have different, that is, complementary personalities, yet they work perfectly well together.

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Can people really fall in love over time?

People can fall in love over time, but often it is sudden, developing quickly. It is called “falling in love” because it can seem beyond control—a little like falling down or tripping over something. It often comes at the wrong time, people tell me, and sometimes plainly with the wrong sort of person. It is not, in other words, a voluntary process.

Why is it called Falling in love?

It is called “falling in love” because it can seem beyond control—a little like falling down or tripping over something. It often comes at the wrong time, people tell me, and sometimes plainly with the wrong sort of person.

Can two people meet each other and fall in love?

Two people may meet each other—and pass by each other, only to meet again later on and fall in love—but beyond that it cannot be explained. Certainly, it can be inconvenient. Entire movies have been written about this. Why someone is vulnerable to falling in love, and why they fall in love with the particular person they do, remains unknown.

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Can falling in love turn you into an obsessive person?

But many of you know firsthand how falling in love can turn you into an obsessed, needy, and insecure person for a time. You don’t have to have emotional issues from the past to feel this way—although if you do, this stage will be particularly difficult.