Why do we generally use electrons instead of protons to carry current?

Why do we generally use electrons instead of protons to carry current?

Electrons are located in shells surrounding the nucleus of the atom,whereas protons are present inside the nucleus. Electrons can move out of the shells on providing energy, but movement of proton will require a very high amount of energy (so as to break the nuclear force).

Can electric current be carried by protons?

Protons also have the ability to conduct electric current. However, protons cannot move freely from one place to another place like electrons. They always held in a fixed position. So the protons do not conduct electric current.

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Why is it that electrons carry current in metals?

Metals conduct electricity because they have “free electrons.” Unlike most other forms of matter, metallic bonding is unique because the electrons are not bound to a particular atom. This allows the delocalized electrons to flow in response to a potential difference.

Why is that electron carry current in metals?

Flow of current in metals is due to preferential flow of free electrons. In the absence of any externally applied emf (by means of a battery), the free electrons move randomly through the metal from one point to another giving zero net current.

Do electrons carry electricity?

The protons and electrons of an atom are attracted to each other. They both carry an electrical charge. Protons have a positive charge (+) and electrons have a negative charge (-). The positive charge of the protons is equal to the negative charge of the electrons.

Why the current in a conductor is due to the flow of electrons?

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When an electric current flows in a conductor, it flows as a drift of free electrons in the metal. Electricity flows easily through a conductor because the electrons are free to move around in the object.

Why do electrons carry electric current but not protons?

because electrons can be easly removed where as protons are bonded to neutron so it will become an atomic bomb if you want to remove protons. I think electrons are free to move but protons are bound with neutrons with higher force of attraction so electrons carry electric current but not protons.

Do protons flow in a conductor?

In normal situations protons do not flow. If they do like in a stream of air or water, they are accompanied by electrons which compensates the proton current. If they do like in an accelerator their flow is a current. Do electrons really move from atom to atom in a conductor?

Is electrical current a flow of electrons?

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FULL QUESTION: “Some definitions say that electrical current is a flow of electrons. Some definitions say that electrical current can be a flow of charge particles such as electrons, protons, ions, holes etc. Is the latter definition right as well?”

What happens to protons when they travel through matter?

Single protons in matter cannot be enough in number to carry the currents a la electrons. They will tie up with an electron and find a pair to make a H2 molecule. When charges flow through a surface,they can be positive, negative, or both.