Why does Cisco remember the other timeline?

Why does Cisco remember the other timeline?

However, Cisco was brought back to life when Barry accidentally traveled back in time and used his knowledge of the future to change it. Cisco would later remember that alternate timeline by using his powers.

Why did Reverse-Flash kill Cisco?

Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) murdered Cisco (Carlos Valdes) for discovering his Reverse-Flash secret in Tuesday’s episode of The Flash. In an emotional scene, Wells revealed that his real name is Eobard Thawne, and that though he loved Cisco like a son, he had to kill him.

How did Cisco change the timeline?

Cisco, as Vibe, is connected to all the timelines, even the original timeline. So if Eobard were not to return to his time, he would never go back into time, thus disrupting his timeline, and since Cisco is connected to it, he would also cease to exist.

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Can Cisco travel through time?

Finally, some people are not affected at all by time travel. Despite never time traveling before, Cisco was unaffected while Felicity experienced side effects although, it is possible Cisco’s connection to the space-time energy of the multiverse means he remains unaffected by time travel.

What happened to Cisco in the Flash?

Cisco was also going to be erased out of the timeline, when Barry planned on locking up the younger Eobard in “Reverse Flash Returns”, as Cisco was basically created further in Eobard’s timeline. We also have to note that Cisco is connected through space and time, like the singularity, to the medium between dimensions.

How did Eobard keep his time line intact?

Speedsters have some immunity to changes in time. As we are told multiple times, only they will remember the changes in time that they make. “It’s possible Eobard was in the Speed Force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and his time line intact. It’s what’s known as a “timeline remnant”.

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Why did Cisco Call Barry Allen Dark Flash?

When Barry was “possessed” by Ramsey Rosso/Bloodwork after the latter infected Barry’s blood cells while he was saving Ralph’s life, Cisco nicknamed him Dark Flash. Barry was restored to normal when Allegra Garcia used her powers to cure everyone affected by Rosso’s disease.

When did Barry travel back in time on the Flash?

The first time Barry traveled back in time, it happened unintentionally. A new timeline was created in season 1, episode 15, “Out of Time,” when the second Weather Wizard, Mark Mardon, was threatening Central City with a tidal wave.