
How old was the flash when Eobard Thawne was born?

How old was the flash when Eobard Thawne was born?

When Eobard’s birth took place Barry was 162 years old.

Did Thawne create his own speed force?

Original multiverse After Eobard Thawne discovered that his destiny was to become the exact opposite of the Flash, he attempted to prove his superiority as the Reverse-Flash. At some point, Thawne created his own variation of the Speed Force, calling it the “Negative Speed Force” using negative energy and emotions.

Does Barry ever save his mom?

Barry is in grief over losing his father too. He decides to travel back in time and prevent the one thing which started all these chain of events, his mother’s death. And we see him do just that. He stops the Reverse Flash and saves his mom.

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Did Eobard Thawne intend to replace Barry Allen as the Flash?

A new theory suggests that Eobard Thawne intended to replace Barry Allen as The Flash before circumstances made him become Harrison Wells instead. Did Eobard Thawne intend to replace his rival and become The Flash when he traveled back in time to Barry Allen’s childhood?

How did Thawne get Barry Allen’s powers?

Thawne also replicated the accident that gave Barry Allen his powers and tracked down the original Cosmic Treadmill – the device that allowed The Flash to travel through time. Using the Cosmic Treadmill, Thawne went back in time hoping to meet his idol and win his blessing to officially continue his legacy in the future.

Who is Eobard Thawne?

Eobard Thawne’s Arrowverse Backstory For all of the status Eobard Thawne holds as Barry Allen’s worst enemy in The Flash and his prominent role in the Arrowverse at large, we know surprisingly little about his background and motivations. He was born in the year 2151 and was obsessed with The Flash and being like him.

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How did Thawne get his power?

Thawne is obsessed about the flash in the future, so he recreates everything that happened to the first flash (Barry Allen). He then got his power, and then every one loved the flash in the 25th century, so he gets jealous, and goes back in time (2024), to find the 1st flash (Barry) ep 11, season 2 of the flash.