
Can I crack JEE With only physics and chemistry?

Can I crack JEE With only physics and chemistry?

Yes, that is possible. If you are too good in both the subjects then you can easily score min 150 marks.

What is the minimum marks in each subject for JEE Advanced?

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2018 (Qualifying Marks)

Category or Rank List Minimum Marks Subject-wise Minimum Aggregate Marks (Revised)
CRL 12 90
SC 6 45
ST 6 45
OBC-NCL 11 81

What is the minimum marks to pass JEE mains?

JEE Main Eligibility Criteria for Droppers

Eligibility Criteria Specifics
Marks in the qualifying examination for SC/ST/PWD Minimum 65\% in aggregate
General Minimum 75\% in aggregate or be in the top 20 percentile in their 10+2 examination.

Is there any minimum marks required to score in JEE Mains?

No you don’t require any minimum marks to score in a particular subject in JEE mains.I assure you.In JEE advanced,you need to score min marks individually in each subject. Nothing like that…..Your individual subject cutoff marks will be considered only in JEE-ADV……cheers

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What is the aggregate qualifying marks for JEE Advanced 2017?

The aggregate qualifying marks for JEE Advanced 2017 is the sum of marks scored in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. For being included in the rank list of JEE Advanced 2017, students are required to satisfy the aggregate marks as well as the subject wise qualifying marks.

What is the JEE Main 2021 subject combination for admission?

The JEE Main 2021 subject combination that is essential for the candidates in order to gain admission to any of the IIITs, NITs, and GFTIs is given below: B.E/B.Tech – Compulsory subjects in the form of Mathematics and Physics along with either Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnology as the third subject in any of the qualifying examinations.

Is the JEE Advanced exam tough?

Yes, the JEE Advanced is tough due to these standards maintained by the IIT’s. Individual cut-off forms an integral part of their scrutiny. You can qualify JEE Main by being a Maths champ, Physics champ or Chemistry champ individualy. But you can’t qualify JEE Advanced if you are a superman in one subject.