
What is eating my black and blue salvias?

What is eating my black and blue salvias?

Garden snails and slugs (terrestrial members of the Mollusk family) find Salvia tasty and can seriously them overnight. They also hide under boards, rocks, and leaves, so keep such debris out of the garden. Check your plants overnight or early in the morning, and especially after a rain or watering your salvia.

Does Blue Sage attract bees?

The most commonly planted Salvia originate from the ‘Old World’ of Europe and Asia. From a pollinator perspective, this group of Salvia is very attractive to butterflies and all types of honey and native bees. As to flowers, these ‘Old World’ Sages bloom primarily in shades of blue, pink and white.

Do bees like all salvias?

Most of them are good for bees but this does not include the brightly coloured bedding plants that are sold in most garden centres as, even if it produces some nectar, the flower tubes are too long for the tongues of most British bee species. …

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Do bees ruin flowers?

Now, a team of Swiss researchers have discovered the bees have a way to order some fast food: They use their mouth parts to pinch into the leaves of plants that haven’t flowered yet, and that the resulting damage stimulates the production of new flowers that bloom weeks ahead of time. Bumblebee stabbing a leaf.

What is eating my sage plant?

Caterpillars, the larval form of moths and butterflies, are destructive pests that can strip a sage plant quickly. Hand-picking the plump, worm-like pests is a safe and effective treatment. Just remove the caterpillars and step on them or drop them in a bucket of soapy water.

Is Salvia bad for bees?

Generally they are not great honey bee plants. Red salvia flowers are more likely to be tubular in shape, which honey bees can have a hard time with (they have relatively short tongues.) Also, honey bees do not see the color red. So for example, Salvia splendens is not a great choice for honey bees.

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Are Salvias good for bees and butterflies?

Salvia ‘Amistad’ This is a new cultivar with a long flowering period from May to October. It is drought tolerant and wildlife and bees love it.

Is salvia bad for bees?

Does Sage attract bees?

Sage (Salvia spp.), also in the mint family, includes nearly 900 species from around the world; many, including culinary sage (S. officinalis), attract honey bees.

What happens if bees pollinate flowers?

When a bee lands on a flower, the hairs all over the bees’ body attract pollen grains through electrostatic forces. Individual bees tend to focus on one kind of flower at a time, which means it is more likely that pollen from one flower will be transferred to another flower of the same species by a particular bee.

Do bees make flowers bloom?

Flowers provide bees with nectar and pollen, which worker bees collect to feed their entire colonies. Bees provide flowers with the means to reproduce, by spreading pollen from flower to flower in a process called pollination. Without pollination, plants cannot create seeds.

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What is blueblue anise Sage?

Blue Anise Sage (Salvia guaranitica) is a popular bushy and ornamental sub-shrub featuring showy 2 inches long (5 cm) flowers in intense blue, purple or white, usually with darker purple calyces.

What are the problems with black and blue salvia?

Black and Blue salvia is usually not bothered by serious pests and diseases, though fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, which causes powdery white or grayish fungal spores on foliage and sometimes flowers, may become a problem when plants are overcrowded. Provide at least 5 feet of space between plants to allow for ample air circulation.

Are sage plants good for bees?

Most of the sages (Salvia species) are good bee plants, but meadow sage and its hybrids come in lovely blues and deep-purples that look beautiful with iris, peony, lupine, catmint and other early-Summer perennials. Meadow sage prefers well-drained, average soil in full sun.

Does black and blue salvia attract hummingbirds?

Effective as a border, bedding or container plant, Black and Blue salvia offers the added benefit of attracting hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden. The low-maintenance perennial requires little care to thrive.