Does Barry change the timeline back?

Does Barry change the timeline back?

The first time Barry traveled back in time, it happened unintentionally. A new timeline was created in season 1, episode 15, “Out of Time,” when the second Weather Wizard, Mark Mardon, was threatening Central City with a tidal wave.

What happens to Eobard Thawne in Season 1?

Throughout Season 1, Thawne/Wells trained Barry in order to bring him to the point where he could use his speed to breach time and allow Thawne to return home. But just as his victory neared, Thawne found himself wiped out of existence when his ancestor Eddie committed suicide.

Who was the Reverse Flash in episode 17?

Eobard Thawne
Letscher plays Thawne’s original likeness while Cavanagh portrays the character in the form of Harrison Wells. Cavanagh’s performance as Thawne has been praised by both critics and fans….Eobard Thawne (Arrowverse)

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Eobard Thawne
Alias Reverse-Flash

Does Barry Allen become Reverse-Flash?

To no one’s surprise, Reverse-Flash turned on Barry immediately afterward. The season 7 finale wasn’t the first time Reverse-Flash reappeared after his death in The Flash’s season 1 finale.

Why did Eobard Thawne pretend to be Harrison Wells?

After killing and stealing the identity of Wells, Eobard Thawne plays the long game and pretends to be Harrison Wells for 13 years in order to train Barry Allen as The Flash. Those who were close to the real Wells are quick to notice the difference in behavior, but chalk it up to the death of his wife.

What happened to the original Harrison Wells on the Flash?

Thawne then attached a futuristic device to Wells that killed and dehydrated his body in a matter of seconds, giving Thawne the appearance of Wells. This would be the Harrison Wells that Barry Allen meets at the beginning of The Flash, while the original Harrison Wells was left to rot in a grave somewhere in Starling City.

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Did Eobard Thawne intend to replace Barry Allen as the Flash?

A new theory suggests that Eobard Thawne intended to replace Barry Allen as The Flash before circumstances made him become Harrison Wells instead. Did Eobard Thawne intend to replace his rival and become The Flash when he traveled back in time to Barry Allen’s childhood?

Why did Thawne kill Harrison Wells?

Realizing Barry was the only way to return to his time, Thawne killed Dr. Harrison Wells in order to assume his identity as the director of S.T.A.R. Labs, and to push through for the creation of a particle accelerator to ensure that Barry would become the Flash.