Tips and tricks

Can Saitama survive space?

Can Saitama survive space?

Saitama can survive in space, but only temporarily. Saitama has broken his limiter with pure effort alone which allowed himself to stay alive in space for a while.

How does Saitama breathe in space?

Ya, Saitama is shown to not be able to breath in space. He’d just keep flying until he runs out of breath. Or he could just punch space-time. He has proved that he could hold his breath effortlessly when dbz characters can’t.

Can Saitama survive in the sun?

None of the Anime characters could withstand the heat of the Sun, where direct hit from a solar flare would wipe out all life on the surface of the planet. So far Saitama has never taken damage, but the author believes that these characters can somehow find a way to damage him. Here’s the thing about Saitama.

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Has Saitama been in space?

Even in outer space, Saitama manages to hold his breath effortlessly, and he even made a jump back to the Earth from the Moon in seconds with no signs of suffocation. Pain Suppression: Before gaining his overwhelming power, Saitama was still able to suppress pain.

Can Goku defeat Saitama?

Just one punch is all it’ll take for Saitama to beat Goku. However, Saitama’s strength is often undermined by fans when compared to Goku. For instance, yes, Goku is a Saiyan, an alien warrior race, who has the ability to enhance his strength by transforming into a Super Saiyan.

Who created one punch man?

Yusuke Murata
One Punch Man/Creators

Can Saitama hold his breath on the Moon?

No matter how strong he may be, Saitama wasn’t holding his breath until after a few seconds of being on the moon. the minute he left the atmosphere, the air inside him, which is normal oxygen and nitrogen, would be sucked out. Strength has nothing to do with his oxygen deprivation.

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Why is Saitama so slow compared to Rimuru?

Rimuru can move through time and space, freeze time for everybody, destroy and create the universe over and over again, and more. Even at his quickest, Saitama’s pace would feel slower than the pace of a snail for a god like Rimuru.

Is Saitama too strong to die from oxygen deprivation?

Strength has nothing to do with his oxygen deprivation. No breath holding equals no oxygen, so no reaction to oxygen loss equals no oxygen dependency. Saitama can’t die from space.

Can a Saiyans survive in outer space?

During his battle against Goku on Planet Namek in Dragon Ball Z, Frieza had that Saiyans were unable to survive in outer space, unlike his species, even at Super Saiyan.