
Why is Commodus important?

Why is Commodus important?

Emperor Commodus was the only surviving son of the philosopher-emperor, Marcus Aurelius. He was the only emperor to ever fight in the gladiatorial games where he killed thousands of exotic animals to show his strength. After parts of Rome burned, he rebuilt and told the Romans they were a ”Colony of Commodus.

How did Gladiator Games Impact Rome?

Gladiators played an important part in Roman society As they increased in popularity, they were hosted by the ruling classes as a way of entertaining the masses and building their own popularity in society. Sometimes they were used as a way to distract the population from other negative issues in society.

Was Commodus as bad?

Gladiator (2000, dir. Ridley Scott) depicts Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) as being a Bad Emperor. In the film he murders his father, usurps the throne, and tries to execute the much more virtuous Maximus (Russell Crowe) out of jealousy. Commodus’ legal edicts were all overturned after his death and thus have not survived.

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Was Emperor Commodus real?

Commodus, in full Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, original name (until 180 ce) Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, (born August 31, 161 ce, Lanuvium, Latium [now Lanuvio, Italy]—died December 31, 192), Roman emperor from 177 to 192 (sole emperor after 180).

How long did Commodus rule Rome?

Bust of Commodus c.180
Roman emperor
Reign 176 – 31 December 192
Predecessor Marcus Aurelius

Who rules Rome after Commodus?

After the death of Commodus, Pertinax became emperor. He was an elderly senator who was chosen by the senate as emperor. However, his reign was short-lived because of the resentment he created through his reforms.

What did Trajan do to help Rome?

Trajan undertook or encouraged extensive public works in the provinces, Italy, and Rome: roads, bridges, aqueducts, the reclamation of wastelands, the construction of harbours and buildings. Impressive examples survive in Spain, in North Africa, in the Balkans, and in Italy.

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What was Commodus’s family like?

What was Commodus’s family like? Commodus’s father was Marcus Aurelius, an emperor who presided over what has been regarded as one of ancient Rome ’s golden ages. His mother was Annia Galeria Faustina, a member of the Roman nobility and the daughter of the emperor Antoninus Pius.

What caused the decline of the Roman Empire?

The accession of the 19 year old Commodus upon the death of his father Marcus Aurelius on March 17, AD 180 is often considered a catalyst that sparked the initial decline of the Roman Empire.

What happened to Commodus’ sister Lucilla?

In 182 Commodus’s sister Lucilla conspired with a group of senators to assassinate him. The plot failed, and Commodus retaliated by executing a number of leading senators. Thereafter his rule became increasingly arbitrary and vicious.