
Can normal delivery happen for twins?

Can normal delivery happen for twins?

Can you have a natural birth with twins? Lots of women think they have to have a caesarean section with twins. In fact, more than 40\% of twin births are vaginal. If you’re planning a vaginal delivery, it’s usually recommended that you have an epidural for pain relief, but you can discuss this with your midwife.

What is the safest way to deliver twins?

“This study found that a plan to deliver by cesarean or vaginally will yield a roughly equivalent result. It’s a good study that should reassure women who want a vaginal delivery and their obstetricians that it’s a reasonable and safe option,” said Dr.

Do twins have to be delivered by C section?

You won’t necessarily need to have a caesarean section if you’re expecting twins. Many women expecting twins have a vaginal birth. Talk to your midwife and obstetrician about your circumstances, and the birth options open to you. It’s natural to feel nervous about vaginal birth if you’re expecting twins.

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What is the normal delivery time for twins?

The interval between vaginal delivery of the first and second twins (mean, 21 minutes, range, one to 134 minutes) was 15 minutes or less in 70 (61\%) cases and more than 15 minutes in 45 (39\%) cases.

How can I avoid C section with twins?

If you are keen to avoid a c-section, the first and best decision you can make is to choose a care provider who supports natural twin birth. Stay as healthy as possible by eating well during pregnancy in order to avoid issues like gestational diabetes and encourage your babies to settle into an optimal birth position.

Why do twins come early?

Why Twins Are Often Born Early The risk of preterm labor and premature birth are heightened when there is more than one baby in the womb.1 Other conditions such as preeclampsia, placental dysfunction, and twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome are more prevalent in twin pregnancy and increase the risk of an early delivery.

What are the signs of Labour with twins?

They include: Contractions in your uterus every 10 minutes or more often. Tightening or low, dull backache that may be constant or come and go, but changing positions and other comfort measures don’t ease it. Menstrual-like cramps or lower abdominal cramping that may feel like gas pains, with or without diarrhea.

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How can I avoid C-section with twins?

How long does twin C-section take?

The typical C-section takes about 45 minutes. After the baby is delivered, your healthcare provider will stitch up the uterus and close the incision in your abdomen. There are different types of emergency situations that can arise during a delivery.

How do twins kick in the womb?

Your babies have been moving and kicking around in your womb for a few weeks now, developing their muscles and getting stronger all the time. The twins will be in close contact with each other in the quite limited womb space they have and will probably kick and push each other through their amniotic sacs.

What is a good weight for twins at birth?

The average birth weight of full-term twins (37 weeks or later, compared to 39-40 weeks for singletons) is around 5 ½ pounds each, though one baby often weighs more than the other. Because of the additional weight, twin pregnancies tend to be more uncomfortable.

Does your water break with twins?

During pregnancy, the fetus—or in the case of twins, fetuses—is enclosed in the amniotic sac. As a part of the labor process, the sac will break open (known as “water breaking”).

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What are the chances of twins being delivered vaginally?

Twin Delivery. Right now, your chances of delivering twins vaginally are 50-50 (which means that your chances of having a C-section are also 50-50). But how your twins make their way into the world will depend on many factors that will ultimately determine which mode of delivery is safest for both you and your babies, including:

Is it possible to go into labor with twins?

And in fact, many women carrying twins do go into labor naturally during this time. However, when a twin pregnancy goes too long there is a possibility of depletion of the placenta which may lead to devastating consequences.

Is it possible to give birth to twins naturally?

An un-medicated, natural birth of twins is not unheard of, yet you should remain flexible. Even if your pregnancy has gone smoothly and the babies are in the perfect position for delivery, complications may still crop up. Remember you are birthing two babies.

How early in pregnancy can you have twins?

How early can you have twins? Twins can be born much earlier than a normal, singleton baby. It’s possible to deliver twins after less than 25 weeks of pregnancy. The earlier twins are born, the higher their risk of developing multiple health problems.