Tips and tricks

What does the active time on Facebook Messenger mean?

What does the active time on Facebook Messenger mean?

Active Status shows your friends and contacts when you’re active, currently in the same chat as them or were recently active on Facebook or Messenger on this profile. For example, if you turn off Active Status for your Facebook app but not on your Messenger app, people may be able to see your status on Messenger.

Why does Messenger say active now but no green dot?

The Green Dot means your facebook friends are logged in with Facebook Messenger chat Turned On. When it just says “Active Now” without a green dot, it just means they are currently on a Facebook mobile app (but don’t have Chat turned on).

What does ‘active now’ mean on messenger?

‘ Active Now ‘ with green dot means person is online and visible to their Messenger contacts. Refresh the Messenger, if you still see ‘ Active Now ‘ without green dot that means they might have their chat turned off or you have turned off your chat. Learn more about messages on Facebook. You might be interested: FAQ: When Should People Rsvp By?

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Is active now on Facebook Messenger accurate?

The app isn’t accurate so don’t worry about it. What does it mean when Facebook Messenger says active now? When you see the “ Active Now ” or “Is Active ” status, that means that person is online using Facebook Messenger using their mobile phone (iPhone or Android app).

What does it mean when someone says they’re inactive on faceb?

It just means they haven’t open the app in under 5 minutes, you could message someone and it could say active within minutes, if they open the app straightaway to respond to you. Obviously if their busy this won’t be the case. 1 hour ago, this is due to the computer or laptop – a user has completely logged out of faceb.

Does the green dot on Facebook Messenger mean you are active?

No. It does not mean that the person is chatting on Messenger or even being active on Facebook. Facebook is designed to get their users to interact as much as possible and therefore the green dot is green way more often than you’re actually active.