
What is the opposite element of water?

What is the opposite element of water?

Air and earth are opposites and have the crossbar. Water and fire are also opposites and lack the crossbar.

Does water beat fire?

For burning solids, such as paper, wood, or coal, water will extinguish the fire by two methods: cooling and, if enough is present, depriving the fire of oxygen. A fire needs three things: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Eliminate any one of those, and the fire goes out.

Is fire the opposite of air?

In classical terms, the opposite of fire is water, just as the opposite of air is earth. This helped folks classify and understand the pre-scientific world.

Is ice weak against water?

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Bug-type moves are strong against dark-, grass-, and psychic-type moves….Pokémon Go Type strengths and weaknesses.

Type Strong Against Weakness
Type Strong Against Weakness
Ground Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel Grass, Ice, Water
Ice Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Normal Fighting

What is stronger cold or hot?

Cold kills more people than heat. More people move from cold states to warm ones because of climate than vice versa. You’re more likely to fall and hurt yourself in icy cold weather. Staying warm is more expensive, both in clothing and home heating costs.

Is fire the opposite of ice?

For Fire, the allied elements are Earth and Energy. The opposite element is the element farthest away from another element. For Fire, the opposite element is Ice.

What is the opposite of ice?

What is the opposite of ice?

water fluid
liquid aqua
aqueous material melted material

Does Ice beat wind?

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Fire is weak to Wind, Wind is weak to Ice, and Ice is weak to Fire.

What is the opposite of lava?

Noun. Opposite of the molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc. glacier. ice.

What defeats ice?

Pokemon Go Type Chart: Strengths, Effectiveness, Weaknesses and Resistances explained

Type Strong Vs Weak Vs
Ice Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
Dragon Dragon Steel
Dark Ghost, Psychic Fighting, Dark, Fairy
Fairy Fighting, Dragon, Dark Poison, Steel, Fire

Is water the opposite of fire?

Answer Wiki. Surely NO! This is a common misconception that water is opposite to that of fire, as water is used to extinguish fire in common. Fire gets extinguished not because of water, as water is used, it cuts off the supply of oxygen to the inflammable material. As oxygen is cut off, fire extinguishes.

What is the antonym for ice?

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Antonyms for ice include fire, blaze, flame, inferno, water, fluid, liquid, aqua, aqueous material and melted material. Find more opposite words at!

What is the opposite of combustion?

So in a very basic way, the answer to the question is that the opposite of combustion, an oxidation reaction, is a reduction reaction. But the question is, what is the opposite of fire? Fire is the result of the chemical reaction. The opposite of fire is the crystallization of the substance being reduced.