
How high off the floor should a gas fireplace be?

How high off the floor should a gas fireplace be?

In most cases, the fireplace is being viewed from a seated position, so eye level is 40″-42″ off the floor. I’d recommend placing the top edge of the fireplace opening at that eye level height, or a little lower, so that you look down into the fireplace a bit and don’t see the inside of the top of the fireplace.

How far off the floor should a wall mounted fireplace be?

about 40-42”
How high should a wall mounted fire be? You can fit your fire anywhere on your wall so long as it meets any installation requirements. Many people like to have them at eye level from a seated position, which works out about 40-42” off the floor.

How far off the ground does a fireplace need to be?

Bottom heat fireplaces should be kept at least 1.5 ft off the floor, while top- and front heat units don’t have this restriction and can be placed as low as you wish.

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How high is too high for a fireplace?

A mantel that is at least 12 inches above the opening of the fireplace should be high enough away from the flames to keep you, your family, and your house safe.

How high should a mantle be above a gas fireplace?

about 12 inches
As a general rule, the mantel is placed about 12 inches above the fireplace opening. Then adding an inch to the distance for every inch that the mantel protrudes. So a mantel 6 inches deep, would be attached 18 inches above the firebox opening.

Can a gas fireplace sit on the floor?

Gas fireplaces need noncombustible flooring. Because fireplaces produce so much heat, you may be worried that the surrounding materials on your floors could become damaged. Most types of flooring are safe unless they are immediately in front of the fireplace.

How high should mantle be from floor?

Mantel Height: We recommend installing the mantel 4.5′ from the floor. This allows room for stockings during the holidays. Most housing codes and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) state that the bottom of the mantel must be at least 12” away from the top of the fireplace box.

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How high should mantle be above gas fireplace?

Is it OK to put a TV above a gas fireplace?

Mount Your TV Above an Open-Fireplace In most cases, you should not install electronics above wood-burning stoves or gas fireplaces and inserts because they produce massive amounts of heat. That heat could severely damage your tv or other electronic devices.

What do you put in the bottom of a gas fireplace?

Silica sand is used in the bottom of the burn pan of VENTED NATURAL GAS log sets. The gas is dispursed though the sand spreading it around before it is ignited. This gives you more flame action in your gas logs. Replace the sand every few years to keep your flames dancing.

How high should a gas fireplace mantel be above the floor?

Standard Mantel Height Again, “proper” height is relatively subjective to your fireplace, but average or standard fireplace mantel height construction is around 54” above the hearth’s floor. Similarly, can a gas fireplace sit on the floor?

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How high off the floor should a gas stove be installed?

Once the high and low has been determined you can go about with the rest of your installation. You are looking at anywhere from a foot or so off the floor to 5 to 6 feet, really it comes down to your own aesthetics. See more info at Gas Fireplace & Stove Products Good luck!

How high should I mount my TV above my fireplace?

Determining the correct mounting distance comes down to three questions based on the height of your fireplace and distance from couch. Is the mantel less than 4 feet from the floor (or do you not have a mantel)? If so, you’re going to want to mount your TV around 12 inches above the mantel or fireplace.

How high off the floor should a linear fireplace be mounted?

How high off the floor should I mount a linear fireplace? Linear fireplaces are our best-selling style of fireplaces. These are the units that are much wider than they are tall, with an extremely long, lean profile. These fireplaces look best up off the floor by at least 12 inches.