
Can you develop an accent if you live somewhere long enough?

Can you develop an accent if you live somewhere long enough?

Research shows that if you start learning a language later in life (after the age of seven or later as an adult), you might become fluent but you won’t be able to change your accent. You’ll have more chance of changing your native accent in your native language, but even that will be difficult.

Will I lose my accent if I move to the UK?

So your accent will change enough for people to notice you’ve moved abroad, but most Brits won’t be able to tell the difference between your accent and someone from your high school visiting for a week. Another thing to note, you’re very unlikely to pick up anything that sounds like what you hear on TV.

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Can adults develop accents?

Research has shown that accents become permanent around the age of 12 years old. That being said, it is possible for accents to change over time or for adults to develop a subtle accent after living in a foreign country for an extended period of time.

Can adults change their accent?

The capacity for accent change among adults has been well-documented by linguistic researchers, over both the short-term (temporarily in the context of a single conversation) and the long-term (slowly evolving based on exposure to other accents over a period of years).

What age do you develop your accent?

Comparing the two results, it is estimated that children start to recognize different accents at the age of 5 and start to develop their own accents. For that reason, it is recommended to increase children’s exposure to different accents between age 5 to 7 for them to develop an unique accent that fits themselves.

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How long does it take to develop a British accent?

The answer: How long will it take? About a year if you live in the UK and surround yourself with people who use R.P. in their daily lives. If you don’t live in the UK, it will take 18 months to 36 months if you have listening/speaking and pronunciation lessons that last amount to 3 hours per week.

Can adults develop new accents?

How old do you have to be to change accents?

As a general rule, the older you get, the less apt you are to change. Past a certain age (generally before the teenage years), your original accent is so ingrained that most people won’t pick up the local accent just by living there. You’ll see

Can you have an American accent and live in the UK?

Speaking as someone who emigrated from the UK to Australia fifteen years ago, the answer is: To anyone in the UK you will continue to have a strong American accent. People in the us will comment on how you have developed a strong British accent.

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How long did it take you to learn your accent?

People, especially those that haven’t moved around a lot, are conditioned to believe that their way of speaking is normal, and every other way is an accent. I’ve lived abroad for 12 years and it took 3-4 years before I started to understand the distinctive qualities of my home (American) accent

Does your accent drift when you live in London?

Similarly one could spend a long time in London around a mostly international or, if you wanted, American group. So whether your accent drifts will also depend on whether you want to let it drift or retain it, on your personality, etc. , Pretty good writer, except for credentials apparently.