How do I get rid of duplicate paragraphs in Word?

How do I get rid of duplicate paragraphs in Word?

Follow these steps:

  1. Sort the paragraphs containing the e-mail addresses.
  2. Press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
  3. Click the More button, if it is available.
  4. Make sure the Use Wildcards check box is selected.
  5. In the Find What box, enter “(*^13)@” (without the quote marks).

Is there a way to find duplicates in Word?

Word: Finding duplicate words

  1. Press Ctrl+H to open the Find and Replace window.
  2. Click More, then select the Use Wildcards checkbox.
  3. In the Find What field, type (<*>)^013\1 (there are no spaces in this string).
  4. In the Replace With field, type \1 (there are no spaces in this string either).
  5. Click Find Next.
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How do I find repetitive words in Word?

Word: Find duplicated words

  1. Press Ctrl+H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  2. Click More, then select the Use wildcards option.
  3. In the Find field, type: (<[A-Za-z]@)[ ,.;:]@\1> (Note: There’s a space in there, so I suggest you copy this Find string.)
  4. In the Replace field, type: \1.
  5. Click Find Next then click Replace.

Can you delete an entire paragraph at once?

You don’t have to go through all this to select and delete a paragraph or two. When this is the case, position the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph and press Ctrl+Shift+Down. Doing so will select everything to and including the paragraph mark. Continue to add lines to the selection by clicking Down.

How do I find the most repeated words in Word?

Press Ctrl+F and type in the word you want to find in the popup field at the left side of the document (it’s called Navigation). The search will automatically match all occurrences of your word. This is for later versions of MS-Word.

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How do I delete one word multiple times in Word?

All you need to do is hold down the Ctrl key to speed up your deletions. Using Ctrl+Delete deletes text from the insertion point to the end of the next word. For instance, if you wanted to delete four words to the right, simply press Ctrl+Delete four times.

How do I find and delete words in Word?

Press [Ctrl]+H. In the Find What control, enter the text to which you’re applying the format. (You can use literal text, codes, and wildcards.) Click inside the Replace With control (and delete any contents).

How many times does a word appear in a document?

Access Find using Control-F (press the control key and F at the same time). Type in the word you want to search for. Word will find and highlight all instances of the word and highlight them for you – and will tell you how many times it appears!

How to find and highlight duplicate paragraphs in a Word document?

Find and highlight the duplicate paragraphs in Word document with VBA code. To find and highlight the duplicate paragraphs in a Word document, the following VBA code can do you a favor, please do as this: 1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

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How do I find duplicates in a macro?

Where duplicates are found, the first occurrences will be highlighted bright green; the duplicates will be highlighted yellow. After running the macro, selecting any paragraph highlighted bright green and using ‘Find’ with the reading highlight setting will help you to see both the original and its duplicates for editing.

How to highlight all matching words in Word 2010?

In Word 2010 click CTRL+H – Type the word you want to find in the ‘Find what’ box. Click the Reading Highlight dropdown and select Highlight All. All the matching words will be highlighted. Was this reply helpful? Sorry this didn’t help. Great! Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply?