
Who is Brihannala in Mahabharata?

Who is Brihannala in Mahabharata?

Brihannala, in the Hindu epic ” Mahābhārata “, was the name assumed by Arjuna , who was in disguise as a Transgendered (on account of a curse by Urvasi ). She (he) taught arts to Uttarā, the princess of the kingdom of Virata .

Who killed maximum Warriors in Mahabharata?

10000 warriors were killed each day by Bheeshma Pitamah as promised by him. , Reading the unabridged translation of Mahabharata now.

What happened to Uttara after Abhimanyu’s death?

Uttaraa was widowed at a very young age when Abhimanyu was killed in the Kurukshetra war. When Abhimanyu died, Uttaraa tried to burn herself on the pyre of Abhimanyu, but Krishna stopped her from doing so, informing her of her pregnancy.

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Why did Arjun become Brihannala?

After gaining the weapon, Indra took him to heaven and gave him many weapons. During his exile, Arjuna was invited to the palace of Indra, his father. Urvashi felt insulted and cursed Arjuna that he will be a eunuch for the rest of his life. Later on Indra’s request, Urvashi curtailed the curse to a period of one year.

Why did Arjuna become Brihannala?

Urvashi had cursed Arjuna for rejecting her proposal as his wife which she modified after Indra confronted her. She had reduced that curse to one year. So Arjuna utilized that curse to become Brihanala for one year in Virata’s palace.

What happened to Uttara after Mahabharata war?

Krishna then revives the Uttara’s womb with all the good things he have done in his life. Krishna carries a smile on his face and soon it is seen that Uttara is now fine and he informs them after dying getting reborn and today Abhimanyu’s son have become pure after getting died and reborn in his mother’s womb.

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Who are the 12 warriors who survived Kurukshetra War in Mahabharata?

12 Warriors who survived Kurukshetra war in Mahabharata are: 1 1. Krishna. This is the most obvious answer. Krishna is the supreme god himself. He fought in the war as the charioteer of Arjuna. He constantly 2 2. Pandavas. 3 3. Yuyutsu. 4 4. Satyaki. 5 5. Kritavarma.

Why did Arjuna not act like Brihannala?

As Brihannala, Arjuna taught dance and music to Uttara, the daughter of King of Virata. Arjuna did not need to act like Brihannala as he made use of a curse by Apsara Urvasi – the damsel in the court of Indra. Arjuna once did not show any interest to the sexual innuendos of Urvasi.

What is the role of Krishna in Kurukshetra War?

Krishna is the supreme god himself. He fought in the war as the charioteer of Arjuna. He constantly guides Arjuna during the Kurukshetra war. Krishna preaches “BHAGAVAD GITA” to Arjuna when he refused to fight against his own family members (Kauravas).

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What is the role of Arjuna in the Mahabharata?

Arjuna, the third of the Pandava brothers, took the form of Brihannala – a eunuch during the incognito (staying in disguise for a year) exile period in the Mahabharata. As Brihannala, Arjuna taught dance and music to Uttara, the daughter of King of Virata.