
Who would win in a fight Krillin or Saitama?

Who would win in a fight Krillin or Saitama?

Saitama is really not that strong. He is a gag character poking fun at Shounen, but never seriously that powerful. If Saiyan Saga Vegeta at 18k is a planet-buster, then Krillin at 75k+ is over 3x more powerful than that. Krillin wins with ease.

What is Krillin’s feats?

Bringing his hands up to his face, Krillin can create a bright flash of light that can blind opponents. By the time of the Tournament of Power, Krillin has created a stronger variation, the Solar Flare x100, flying in front of the sun to maximize its use.

Is Krillin the strongest human in super?

Humans aren’t the most powerful beings in the Dragon Ball universe, but Krillin and Tien are still two of Dragon Ball’s greatest heroes. Despite that, two humans, Krillin and Tien have stayed at the forefront of the battles that defined Dragon Ball Z.

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Is Krillin the strongest human?

Who is the strongest human in DB?

Dragon Ball: The 11 Most Powerful Humans, Ranked According To Strength

  • 8 Chi-Chi.
  • 7 Videl.
  • 6 Grandpa Gohan.
  • 5 Krillin.
  • 4 Master Roshi.
  • 3 Tien.
  • 2 Androids 17 & 18.
  • 1 Uub.

Why is Krillin so strong?

Well, Krillin trained under Muten Roshi only for a little while, but he is strong because he’s been put under the same conditions Goku has put in, which Goku was really strong. He’s gotten many boosts from Namek, and Saiyan Saga he trained for the Saiyans just like Goku did.

Why can’t Saitama beat Krillin?

Saitama has also never been trained like Krillin has. Hell, he doesn’t want to be, since that would make any future fights even more easier for him to win. Saitama has struggled with fighting martial artists before, as their expertise means its harder for him to keep a bead on them.

Is Saitama really that strong?

Saitama is really not that strong. He is a gag character poking fun at Shounen, but never seriously that powerful. If Saiyan Saga Vegeta at 18k is a planet-buster, then Krillin at 75k+ is over 3x more powerful than that.

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Who would win Boros or Krillin?

Based on feet’s krillin should win. Boros isn’t any stronger than Saiyan saga Vegeta who krillin by super could one punch just as easily as saitama one one punched him. Krillin however has the martial arts skills of Batman and can fly. Also is probably stronger and faster based on feet’s.

Could Goku beat Saitama?

Like honestly end of Dragonball Goku could beat Saitama. Master roshi in the first world tournament destroyed the moon on full strength and when the Saiyans came master roshi was already outclassed by the other z fighters that he stayed back. Judging by this alone sayian saga krillin should win the fight.