
Should you stay in your car if power lines fall on it?

Should you stay in your car if power lines fall on it?

Stay safe if a fallen power line touches your car Stay inside your car. The ground around your car may be energized. Sound the horn, roll down your window and call for help. Warn others to stay away.

Why should you stay away from fallen power lines?

Never go near a downed or fallen electric power line. Electricity can spread outward through the ground in a circular shape from the point of contact. As you move away from the center, large differences in voltages can be created.

Why should you not drive over downed power lines?

Never drive over a downed line. It could cause poles or other equipment to come crashing down. If you are in a car that has come in contact with a downed power line, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave your car, only in the case of fire, jump free from the car and hop away from it with both feet together.

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How far away should you stay from downed power lines?

If you are exposed to such a phenomenon, the smart thing to do would be to assume that downed power lines are energized and dangerous and stay as far away from them as possible. Keep a distance of at least 35 feet from downed power lines.

What is considered the safest distance away from an electrified car?

1. Work at a safe distance. This is the most important rule: Work at a safe distance from all power lines. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that equipment be kept at least 10 feet away from power lines with voltages up to 50kV.

Can you drive under power lines?

Power Line Safety When Driving If you are driving a vehicle that comes into contact with a downed power line, you are usually safe as long as you remain in your vehicle.

What do balls on power lines do?

The main purpose of the marker balls is so that helicopters and low-flying planes don’t hit electrical wires. They are an extra precaution since anything that flies isn’t supposed to fly lower than the electrical towers.

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What is the safest thing to do if you are in a car with a power line on or near it?

If a downed power line falls on your car you should stay inside your car so long as it is safe to do so. Call 9-1-1 and the utility company. Honk or roll down your window to warn others to stay away. Remain in your vehicle until emergency responders and/or utility workers assure you it is safe to exit.

Who do you call when a power line goes down?

If you smell natural gas, see downed power lines, or suspect another emergency situation, leave the area immediately and call 9-1-1. Then, call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000.

What happens if you drive over a downed power line?

Never drive over a downed line. It could cause poles or other equipment to come crashing down. If you are in a car that has come in contact with a downed power line, stay in your vehicle. Wait until the utility has arrived and de-energized the line.

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What happens when a car hits a power line?

Each year, countless vehicles crash into utility poles and other electrical equipment across the energy grid. This usually causes power lines to come down – not only knocking out power to nearby homes and businesses – but also putting lives at risk.

What should you do if you come in contact with power lines?

Never drive over a downed line. It could cause poles or other equipment to come crashing down. If you are in a car that has come in contact with a downed power line, stay in your vehicle. Wait until the utility has arrived and de-energized the line. Warn others not to approach the car.

What should you do if a power line touches your car?

If anyone begins to approach your vehicle, or tries to help you, warn them to stay at least 20 feet away from the power line and anything it may touch. Honk your horn, roll your window down and yell. Doing so could save lives.