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What is the fees of IIT for MSc physics?

What is the fees of IIT for MSc physics?

Below is the fee structure for MSc courses offered by IIT Madras….MSc Fee Structure of IIT Madras.

IIT Madras MSc Fee Detail GEN/OBC SC/ST/PWD
One Time Fee (Refundable) 2000 2000
Hostel + Mess Fee 22650 22650
Total (1st Semester) in INR 32147 29147
Total (From 2nd Semester) in INR 27097 24097

What is the fees for MSc in IIT Bombay?


Category General SC/ ST/ PWD
One time fee (refundable) INR 3000 INR 3000
Hostel + Mess fee INR 24500 INR 24500
1st-semester total fee INR 46000 INR 46000
2nd-semester total fee INR 37000 INR 32000

Which IITs in India offer the best MSc Physics?

In the same way, IIT Bombay has an upper hand amongst all of the other IITs in Condensed Matter and Material Science. Pursuing MSc in Physics from an IIT, be it IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bhubaneshwar, or any other IIT really helps its students a lot in getting into Ph.D. programs offered by foreign universities and institutions.

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Do all IITs have the same fee structure for MSc courses?

As per the latest update, all IITs have a different fee structure for MSc courses. At Eduncle, we have provided you the latest MSc fee structure (semester Wise) of all participating IITs so that you can decide the best IITs in terms of fees.

Can science graduates afford IIT course fees?

Many Science Graduates have a dream to get higher education such as MSc and PhD from IITs but not all can afford the course fees of IITs. To reduce the financial burden for brilliant candidates, Indian Institute of Technology provides many IIT Scholarships which are based on the following criterion:

How is JNU for an MSc in physics?

Along with this, pursuing MSc in Physics from JNU costs a lot lower than the other IITs due to its student-friendly fee structure. You can probably finish your entire degree at JNU within IIT’s fee for a single semester.