
Can a Red Lantern be good?

Can a Red Lantern be good?

Both Atrocitus and Guy Gardner have led the Red Lantern Corps in pursuit of justice. They still wreck things, but it is possible to focus their rage. Red Lanterns will never be nice, but they are not necessarily evil.

Can a Red Lantern be a hero?

“The history of the Red Lanterns (almost always villains) is the reason people were hesitant moreso than the power itself. That said, DCUO uses a different storyline, one in which the Lanterns can be heroic or villanous, as players prefer.” The comics use this storyline too.

How do you become a Red Lantern?

The Red Lantern Corps was formed by Atrocitus of the Five Inversions, one of the five survivors of the Massacre of Sector 666. Using the blood magics of the Five Inversions, Atrocitus harnessed the red spectrum of light, allowing him to empower the rage within him.

Are the Red Lanterns villains?

The Red Lantern Corps are a major villainous organization, functioning as anti-heroes throughout much of the DC universe and they were enemies of the Green Lantern Corps. Their power is derived from the emotional spectrum, particularly the Red Light of Rage.

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What is the difference between the Green and Blue Lantern Corps?

Unlike the Green Lantern Corps, whose power rings seek out and choose a beholder based on their emotional strength and prowess, the newest member of the Blue Lantern Corps is responsible for recruiting the next candidate for their monk-like order. Blue Lantern Corps Oath: “In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite.

Who is the most powerful member of the Red Lantern Corps?

The most powerful member of the Red Lantern Corps consistent members other than Atrocitus has to be Bleez, his second in command. Once a princess for the planet Havania in Sector 33, she was captured by the Sinestro Corps, and subsequently found herself tortured at their hands while in captivity.

Who are the enemies of the Green Lantern Corps?

The Sinestro Corps or Yellow Lanterns are the enemies of the Green Lantern Corps. Founded by Sinestro, a former Green Lantern, Yellow Lanterns are chosen for their ability to instill great fear in others.

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Did you know the Green Lanterns are not the only lanterns?

A founding member of the Justice League, the Green Lantern (regardless of ringbearer) is a universally loved superhero and has been featured outside of the comics in live-action movies, cartoons, and video games. However, you may not know that the Green Lantern Corps is not the only Lantern Corps.