
Is Batman the best at hand-to-hand combat?

Is Batman the best at hand-to-hand combat?

The Knight, The Vengeance, the one and only Batman is simply one of the best hand to hand combatants in any comic universe. He began training in the martial arts at a young age, all the better to help him succeed in his quest to become the best vigilante he could be.

Can Shang Chi beat Batman?

So, Shang Chi cannot actually harm Batman much. Superman says that, Batman could actually battle any extra terrestrial and declared him as the most dangerous fighter he ever witnessed. Batman knows 127 styles of martial arts, so he is surely a skilled fighter and can give his opponents a tough battle.

How good is deathstroke hand-to-hand combat?

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Slade trained in hand-to-hand combat and when he was in the Army, he proved himself to be one of their best fighters. His physical prowess is so great that he has defeated Batman in hand to hand combat.

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Can deadshot beat Batman?

Batman has beaten Deadshot multiple times, in fact in a recent comic Batman lost control and beat Deadshot within an inch of his life. The only way Deadshot can beat Batman is if he is able to catch him completely unawares and blow his head off with a rifle from a great distance.

Who would win in a fight between Batman and Castle?

When you get right down to it, Castle is a bruiser like Wayne, but Bats can counter any firearm with the right bat-suit and a fist-fight between the two couldn’t be won by anyone other than Batman. Comparing these two characters and determining who would win in a fight is something you might hear in any comic book store on the planet.

Why doesn’t Batman have a glowing fist?

Batman doesn’t have one of those, but what he does have are the martial arts skills comparable to Rand, the money Rand has (they are both disgustingly wealthy) and the armor and toys needed to counter something like an invincible, glowing fist.

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What fighting style would you consider Fisk to be?

Fisk doesn’t have any major fighting styles, but if you had to compare him to a DC villain in league with Batman, he most closely resembles Bane. So long as Batman doesn’t let himself get pulled into a bear hug by this guy, there’s little doubt he could beat him.

Is it possible for Batman to beat Hulk?

You might not think it was possible, but not only has Batman fought the Hulk in the crossover comics, he actually beat him. This doesn’t seem possible because there is absolutely no way Batman could harm the Hulk with any of his gadgets, tricks or amazing punches.