Tips and tricks

Which is 5th house lord?

Which is 5th house lord?

Mars – Mars can be 5th house ruler through its two signs. So, let’s take both one after the other. Sagittarius Ascendant – So if it is Sagittarius Ascendant, Mars rules 5th & 12th house and sits in 5th house in Aries.

What happens if 7th lord is in 9th house?

In general, if you have the 7th house lord in the 9th house. The spouse would be well educated, well-traveled, would be from a different cultural background, and could be working in the field of academics.

Which house is good for 7th lord?

7th house lord in the eleventh house The 7th & the 11th house are the houses of desire, so it is a case of what you desire you get after marriage. The spouse would bring money into your life and would help your career. The spouse would be working for a large organization & would have a huge professional network.

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What if 7th lord is in 5th house?

In general, if you have the 7th house lord in the 5th house then your spouse would be passionate, creative, fun loving, childlike, would be involved with the kids, would be working in the field of media or art. Both you & your spouse would have a lot of common hobbies. You guys could be famous too.

What happens if the lagna lord is in the 9th house?

If the Lagna Lord in the Ninth House is well placed you will be instrumental in building temples or rest house, ponds etc. When 1st Lord is placed in 9th house, you can settle down away from your birth place. If 12th Lord or Rahu is also associated with this placement. You can settle down in abroad.

What are the benefits of having lagna lord in 9th bhava?

Lagna Lord in Ninth Bhava also gives a person Mystic qualities, Mantra Shaktis and will also make one a pious person. If the Lagna Lord in the Ninth House is well placed you will be instrumental in building temples or rest house, ponds etc. When 1st Lord is placed in 9th house, you can settle down away from your birth place.

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Which planet is the lagna lord in D-9?

Venus dispositor is with 6th lord and aspecting 9th house and lord, Mars is also the lagna lord. Saturn in the 7th house, being the dispositor of the 9th lord. In D-9, 7th lord in 6th house, dispositor mercury aspecting the 5th house and moon (9th from 9th house) and moon who is dispositor of the 9th lord.

Which house is the lagna lord in the Vedic astrology?

In D-9, 7th lord in 12th house and aspecting the 6th house and 9th house & lord both. Divorce of 1st marriage, in BC, affliction to 7th lord and house is clear by Saturn, Rahu-Ketu axis. Venus dispositor is with 6th lord and aspecting 9th house and lord, Mars is also the lagna lord. Saturn in the 7th house, being the dispositor of the 9th lord.