
Why was the name Indonesia chosen?

Why was the name Indonesia chosen?

Although Indonesia did not become the country’s official name until the time of independence, the name was used as early as 1884 by a German geographer; it is thought to derive from the Greek indos, meaning “India,” and nesos, meaning “island.” After a period of occupation by the Japanese (1942–45) during World War II.

Who gave the name Indonesia?

After going back and forth with different names, it is believed to be George Samuel Windsor Earl, a British ethnologist, who first coined the term ‘Indunesia’ and introduced it into scientific discourse in 1850. ‘Indus’ was derived from the ‘Indies’ while ‘nesia’ is Greek for ‘islands’ (nesos).

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How is Indonesia named?

The name Indonesia derives from Greek words of Indos (Ἰνδός) and nesos (νῆσος), meaning “Indian islands”. The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.

What was Indonesia formerly known as?

Formal Name: Republic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia; the word Indonesia was coined from the Greek indos—for India—and nesos—for island). Short Form: Indonesia. Former Names: Netherlands East Indies; Dutch East Indies.

Why is Indonesia called India?

Indonesia=”Indo” and “Nesia” originates from two Greek words which is “Indus” which is the name of a river in present-day Pakistan, and “Nesos” which means islands, thus Indonesia means “Indian Islands”. The name was given by ancient historians because of the similarity between the two nations (India and Indonesia).

Is Japan safe to visit?

Japan is extremely safe, in fact, it’s probably one of the safest countries in the world, with crime rates much lower than in most Western countries. Street crime is extremely rare, even late at night.

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What is the origin of the name Nusantara?

In 1920, Ernest Francois Eugene Douwes Dekker (1879–1950), proposed “Nusantara” as a new name for this country instead of “Indonesia”. He argued that the name was more indigenously developed, which did not contain any words etymologically inherited from the name Indies, Indus or India.

What are some other names for Indonesia?

Names of Indonesia. Indonesia is the common and official name to refer the Republic of Indonesia or Indonesian archipelago; however, other names, such as Nusantara and East Indies are also known. Some names are considered obsolete and confined to certain periods of history, while some might be more geographically specific or general.

What is the ancient name of Sumatra?

In contrast the ancient name for the Indian subcontinent is Jambudvipa. In ancient Indonesia, the name Suvarnadvipa is used to designate Sumatra island; as counterpart of neighbouring Javadvipa or Bhumijava (Java island). Both Java and Sumatra are the principal islands in Indonesian history.

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How has the history of Indonesia been shaped by geography?

The history of Indonesia has been shaped by its geographic position, its natural resources, a series of human migrations and contacts, wars and conquests, as well as by trade, economics and politics. Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,000 to 18,000 islands (8,844 named and 922 permanently inhabited)…