
What does Siraj Raval do now?

What does Siraj Raval do now?

Siraj is a Chief Data Scientist, YouTube Educator, & Best-Selling Author of “Decentralized Applications” (O’Reilly). He is the #5 most followed developer on GitHub out of 32 million registered accounts. He then built the #1 most followed AI/ML YouTube channel with over 712,000 subscribers & 100 million views.

Did Siraj Raval refund?

Meanwhile, Siraj added a refund policy saying that the refund had to be claimed within 14 days of registration. “Good to see an apology, but sad that there is still no reference about the course in which you took $200 from each student, only to make them a fool.

Why is Siraj Raval hated?

San Francisco Bay-based Raval, Founder and Director of School of AI, has received widespread criticism from all quarters over his quantum research paper which has been taken down. His paper titled The Neural Qubit (he’s taken it down now) with Fraud Detection as an example, was found to be almost 90\% plagiarised.

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Why did Lex Fridman change his name?

I’ve been hosting this podcast called Artificial Intelligence for over two years now, I decided to change the name to just Lex Friedman’s podcast for several reasons. Switching away from A.I. in the name gives me the freedom to do that a little bit more.

How old is Fridmen?

Lex Fridman is a computer scientist and AI researcher at MIT, podcaster, and online public personality. His topics of research include artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction and machine learning at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Is Lex Fridman real?

Lex Fridman (born 15 August 1986) is an American AI researcher at MIT, computer scientist, podcaster, and YouTuber. He conducts research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, machine learning, and human-robot interaction.

What did Friedman discover?

Jeffrey M. Friedman

Jeffrey Friedman
Known for discovery of the hormone leptin and its role in regulating body weight
Awards Shaw Prize (2009) Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (2010) BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (2012) Foreign Member of the Royal Society (2018)
Scientific career