Tips and tricks

Are short notes important for gate?

Are short notes important for gate?

Don’t write short notes for GATE in the first reading as you first have to familiarize yourself with the book and then only you can understand what is important and what isn’t. These diagrams help you understand the topics well and are easier to remember during the exam.

What should be the starting subject for gate in CS?

Generally Mathematics is the best subject to start you preparation with. Attempt GATE CS free mock test to get the feel of real exam experience. Topics and Subjects like Predicate, Linear Algebra, Computer Networks and Database Management System, etc can be done in any order.

Is there Cs in gate?

GATE CS 2022 is an examination for all computer science graduates for admission to MTech, ME, and PhD admissions to IITs, NITs, and IIITs. GATE CS 2022 is an examination for all computer science graduates for admission to MTech, ME, and PhD admissions to IITs, NITs, and IIITs.

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Who can write gate CS?

Final year student or graduate of Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in engineering/ architecture or Master’s degree (or equivalent) in science, computer applications can apply for gate . INR ₹ 750 for Indian female,SC,ST,and physically challenged candidates.

Are the free gate CSE study materials added above useful?

GATE CSE Materials added above are for information purposes only, and are completely free. If you find these materials useful and want to join these coaching institutes whose study material we have provided, you can check their official site for more guidance related to GATE / IES Course. Think What you want?

Can I understand short notes prepared by other students?

Moreover, there are very less chances that you may understand short notes prepared by any other student because short notes are short, in which the student, who may have prepared those notes, definitely used his/her all short tricks which can be understand by the same student only.

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What are notes and how to use them?

Notes are a personalized preparation tool which best suit the person who has prepared them and not others. The person who prepares the notes creates them depending upon his approach, thinking and understanding capabilities which might differ from other people.

How can I crack the gate CSE?

A simple trick to crack GATE CSE is by understanding all the subjects concepts, by preparing GATE CSE Notes. If you are thorough with your concepts, and with sufficient practice, cracking GATE CSE will become a piece of cake. Which is why I told you, it’s not that hard how it actually looks. Any One Can Crack GATE CSE.