Tips and tricks

What to do when your ex keeps messaging you?

What to do when your ex keeps messaging you?

If someone keeps messaging you and you’d like them to stop, you can first politely tell them you’re not interested in talking to them. You can also choose to ignore this person, but this can make someone more upset, and they end up texting you more.

Should I ask my ex to stop contacting?

Is It OK To Ask An Ex To Stop Texting You? Relationship coach and host of the breakup BOOST podcast, Trina Leckie, tells Elite Daily it is “absolutely” OK for you to ask an ex to stop reaching out.

What should I do if my ex keeps contacting me?

Part 2 of 2: Dealing With a Persistent Ex If they are behaving generally rational, your ex’s advances are fueled by contact with you. Don’t give fuel to the fire. Tell your friends and family. It is important that you have a support network in times like these. Don’t respond to their communication. Create a new email filter or account. Block their phone number. Socialize with other friend groups.

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Should I contact my Ex or continue to wait?

Once things have definitively ended, it’s best to wait a few days before reaching out platonically. Giving your former partner time and space to come to terms with the state of your relationship is a much more effective way to maintaining a healthy friendship with them than calling them up the night of your breakup.

Why is my ex still contacting me?

These Are The Biggest Reasons Your Ex May Be Staying In Contact They’re still attracted to you You have the same friend group The sex was great, and he hasn’t forgotten He’s a genuinely nice guy

Is it best to have no contact with your ex?

If your ex is still in love with you and you don’t reciprocate those feelings, it’s best to not have contact with one another. If your ex is in love with you, any action, point of contact, or moment will mean much more to them than it means to you. It’s not fair to allow yourself to give someone hope if there is none.