
Is killing Tuvix wrong?

Is killing Tuvix wrong?

Tuvok and Neelix “died” in the line of duty, as a result of risks they had accepted. The risk of accidental death is implicit in their commission, given the ship’s circumstances. Tuvix accepted the same risk by entering into service, but he did not accept that he may be ordered to die.

How did star Trek Voyager end?

Admiral Janeway beams aboard Voyager and meets her younger self, and is moved to see a healthy Tuvok and Chakotay again. In Janeway’s Ready Room, the Admiral reveals to the Captain that Voyager did eventually make it back to Earth after another 16 years, and the ship became a museum on the grounds of the Presidio.

Who wrote Tuvix?

Tom Wright guest stars as Tuvix to lend more credence to a unique new character that consists of equal parts Tuvok and Neelix….Tuvix.

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Directed by Cliff Bole
Story by Andrew Shepard Price Mark Gaberman
Teleplay by Kenneth Biller
Produced by Wendy Neuss Merri D. Howard Kenneth Biller Peter Lauritson Brannon Braga

What did Janeway do Tuvix?

What does Janeway do? She forces him to undergo the separation procedure, even going so far as doing it herself when the EMH hides behind Hippocratic ethics. There were only two options for them, two only: save two and kill one, or keep the one and forget the two.

How was Tuvix created?

Tuvix was a hybrid being created as the result of a transporter accident on the USS Voyager, combining Lieutenant Tuvok, Neelix, their uniforms, and an orchid in 2372.

Who killed Tuvix?

When Janeway killed Tuvix! Inside a heartbreaking hour of Star Trek: Voyager [Warp Factor 3.6]

What is Tuvix in Star Trek?

Tuvix was a hybrid being created as the result of a transporter accident on the USS Voyager, combining Lieutenant Tuvok, Neelix, their uniforms, and an orchid in 2372.

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What episode of Voyager is Tuvix from?

The voting period for this debate does not end. The 24th episode of the 2nd series of Star Trek: Voyager is entitled ‘Tuvix’ in this episode the crewmembers Tuvok, and Neelix are ‘merged’ into a single being by a transporter accident. The resulting being subsequently takes the name of Tuvix.

How did Tuvok and Neelix become Tuvix?

Tuvok and Neelix are on an alien planet collecting examples of flora but when they attempt to beam back up to Voyager there is a malfunction with the transporter caused by the alien plant life they collected causing them to merge together as one life form, ‘Tuvix’.

Was separating Tuvix immoral?

Pro’s claim that separating Tuvix was immoral completely neglects the circumstances of his creation. First of all, while Tuvok and Neelix were innocent throughout this incident, Tuvix purposely deprived the two of life for his own sake.