Tips and tricks

What is a Distancer?

What is a Distancer?

Pursuers are known for being outcome dependent and have a hard time making changes without expectations. Distancers are known for being stubborn and have difficulty making the first move when under pressure.

What is an emotional pursuer?

In relationships, more often than not, there is one person who wants more emotional closeness than the other. Dr. Les Greenberg, who developed Emotion Focused Therapy, describes this as one person being the “pursuer” and the other the “distancer” in the relationship.

How do you close emotional distance in a relationship?

7 Communication Techniques to Close Emotional Distance

  1. Put Down the Device.
  2. Ask Your Partner About His or Her Day.
  3. Employ Positive Reinforcement.
  4. Reminisce About “Back When”
  5. Learn to Speak Your Partner’s Love Language.
  6. Set Apart Some Time.
  7. Keep Your Heart Open.
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What is pursuit withdrawal?

As stated, the pursue-withdraw pattern can happen when one partner wants more closeness than the other. It also happens when both partners want closeness but there is a perceived disconnection or lack of trust.

What does it mean when your partner is clingy?

Very often, we’re talking about the feeling that they need constant attention or that they’re dependent on you to make them happy. Clinginess can manifest in a variety of ways, but it might include constantly asking for reassurance, needing to maintain contact all the time or leaning on you heavily to maintain their emotional wellbeing.

Can too much closeness be bad for your relationship?

For many couples, too much closeness can put a strain on the relationship. While sharing — thoughts, feelings, space, whatever — is definitely good in any relationship, too much sharing can make your significant other feel trapped. No one wants to suffocate in a relationship. It’s best to give your partner the space he or she needs.

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What happens when you back away from a clingy man?

If you’re not careful, a vicious cycle can develop — you back away because you’re feeling they’re clingy, which in turn causes them to panic and intensify the behaviours that caused you to back away in the first place. It’s much better to try to intervene before things get bad.

How can I stop being a clingy person?

People with more self-confidence are less likely to cling to others as a way of validating themselves. Consider practicing positive thinking and self-love. If you respect and love yourself, it makes it that much easier for others to do the same.