
What is the Song of the whale poem about?

What is the Song of the whale poem about?

The poet writes about the merciless and pointless killing of magnificent animals to satisfy human needs which is done for things like the whales fat, used in making soap, and in many other things including lipstick and shoe polish.

What is the main idea of the poem Song?

Themes. The main theme of the poem ‘Song’ by T.S Eliot is love and optimism. The optimistic mood of the poem compliments the theme of love because realistically ,optimism is necessary to even believe in, yet alone enjoy, the concept of love.

What is referred to as the Song of the whale?

Whale song is the sound made by whales to communicate. The word “song” is used in particular to describe the pattern of regular and predictable sounds made by some species of whales (notably the humpback) in a way that is reminiscent of human singing.

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What is a heaving mountain?

Answer: The largest and best known undersea mountain range in a mid _ocean ridge, the mid_ atlantic Ridge. similar to those on land , the undersea mountain ranges are the local of frequent volcanic and earthquake activity. please mark me brainliest.

What is the poet’s message to the readers?

We should strive to keep human values alive. We should keep our desires and hatred to check. Desire can be controlled by being satisfied and happy with what one has.

Why is the whale crying?

Whales can often be seen or heard crying or moaning when they have recently lost a loved one or when they feel alone and haven’t found a friend or partner to connect with. Aside from moans and cries whales are able to communicate with one another in a number of different ways.

Why has the poet personified the whale?

The whale has been personified in this poem as crying. This use of grammer s is identified as personification. Any sentence with an nonliving thing or type of animal being used with an action that can be done only by humans is called a personified sentence, or a sentence using personification.

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Why is the Whale crying?

Why has the poet personified the Whale?

What message does poet give in this poem?

What is the message of the song of the whale?

It keeps me light. The Song of the Whale by kit Wright is a poem which is based on the killing of Whales for our benefits. Here personification is used which is art of giving emotions or human traits to a non-human being. In this grief is shown towards Whales and their condition due to human basic needs.

What is the song of the whale by Kit Wright about?

The Song of the Whale by kit Wright is a poem which is based on the killing of Whales for our benefits. Here personification is used which is art of giving emotions or human traits to a non-human being. In this grief is shown towards Whales and their condition due to human basic needs. We…

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Why is the whale crying in the poem?

The whale is crying for all the whales that are dead and also for the whales that are still alive and are going to be killed. 4) ‘Lipstick for our painted faces / Polish for our shoes’. What is the poet telling us?

What is Michael’s grandfather’s secret in the song of the whale?

SUMMARY OF ‘THE SONG OF THE WHALE’ Michael’s grandfather has a secret–a secret that’s almost too strange to share . . . When Michael moves to Israel, he leaves loneliness behind and steps into the light of his grandfather’s magic.