Tips and tricks

Is it possible to send love through telepathy?

Is it possible to send love through telepathy?

Sending love through telepathy is a technique that can be learned and developed. It is no wonder telepathy is being used to send the greatest message of all – love! Almost everyone has used telepathy to send love signals, in one way or another, although most people are unaware they’re even doing it.

How to use telepathy for healing and well being?

Meditation is a great tool to use for tuning into your intuition. You can also use telepathy to send love to another person to provide healing and well being. Aside from communicating your love to another person through telepathy, you can also send your love to increase the receiver’s wellbeing.

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How to manifest telepathy through meditation?

While praying or wishing or manifesting your desire, you believed in getting it from the God, Goddess or the Universe that you believe in. Similarly, while getting into the process of meditation for telepathy, you need to believe that your message would reach the mind of the person you want to send it to.

Why are my telepathic messages being transmitted back and forth?

This might be because you’re sending telepathic messages back and forth. It’s unconscious, but if the intent is strong enough, it can happen. Everyone has the ability to tap into their innate telepathic gifts. The key is finding the right trick to get your messages across long distances.

Is your higher self trying to contact you?

A surefire sign that our higher self is trying to contact us is through certain messages we can receive from the universe. Because our higher self operates on a different frequency than us, it must send us messages through different mediums than just talking to us directly.

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Is your higher self speaking to you?

Your Higher Self is probably speaking if you notice any of these six characteristics: 1. Calm and centered. Your Higher Self voice is calmer than the ego. It is the “anti-Chicken Little.” It can calmly observe all the craziness of life and stay centered. It can even calmly watch the ego doing “its drama thing” and patiently smile.