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Why is Theon Greyjoy with the Starks?

Why is Theon Greyjoy with the Starks?

Theon greyjoy was with the Starks because he was a ward of Ned Stark. came on the iron islands with the full force of the iron throne. So when Robb rose in rebellion against the iron throne because Eddard was wrongfully imprisoned and executed.

What happened to the Greyjoys in Game of Thrones?

The ironborn were crushed in a war led by King Robert Baratheon and Lord Eddard Stark. Theon’s brothers were both killed in the fighting. Balon surrendered and was allowed to remain Lord of the Iron Islands on the condition that Theon remains a hostage and ward of Eddard Stark.

Who ruled the Iron Islands?

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House Greyjoy
The Iron Islands is one of the nine constituent regions of Westeros. They are a cluster of seven small, rocky islands off the western coast of the continent, in Ironman’s Bay. The Iron Islands are ruled from the castle of Pyke by House Greyjoy.

Why did the Greyjoys rebellion?

The rebellion took place nine years before the beginning of the series and was an attempt by House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands to break away and secure independence from the Iron Throne and revive the Old Way.

Are the Greyjoys a great house?

House Greyjoy is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. Their lands are the Iron Islands off the west coast of the continent. They rule from their castle Pyke from the island of the same name. The Iron Islands are harsh and bleak and the Greyjoys have traditionally survived by raiding their neighbors.

Why are the Iron Islands a kingdom?

The roots of the kingdom are unknown, though according to legend, it went through major reformations under the Grey King and was eventually controlled by the Hoare dynasty, who established the Kingdom of the Isles and the Rivers when he successfully conquered the Riverlands from the Storm Kings, who had previously …

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When did the Greyjoy Rebellion happen?

289 AD
Greyjoy Rebellion/Start dates

Where do the Greyjoys rule?

Their lands are the Iron Islands off the west coast of the continent. They rule from their castle Pyke from the island of the same name. The Iron Islands are harsh and bleak and the Greyjoys have traditionally survived by raiding their neighbors. They have always had plans to conquer the mainland.

Why did Balon Greyjoy rebel against the Iron Throne?

Greyjoy’s Rebellion. Lord Balon Greyjoy, rejected his father Quellon’s reforms and desired a return to the Old Way. He created the Iron Fleet and led his own rebellion against the Iron Throne, declaring himself King of the Iron Islands. His brothers Euron and Victarion led the burning of the Lannister fleet at anchor.

What is the House of Greyjoy known for?

House Greyjoy of Pyke is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of islands off the west coast of Westeros, from the castle at Pyke. The head of the house is the Lord Reaper of Pyke. House Greyjoy’s sigil is traditionally a golden kraken on a black field.

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What happened to Loron Greyjoy and Theon III?

King Loron Greyjoy, called the Old Kraken an ancient King of the Iron Islands, chosen by a kingsmoot. King Theon III Greyjoy, an ancient King of the Iron Islands, chosen by a Kingsmoot, who fought against the growing power of the Gardeners and the Hightowers in the Reach. He was killed in Oldtown by Lymond Hightower.