
What if Germany didnt enter WW1?

What if Germany didnt enter WW1?

If it never entered WW1. it would be able to slowly build up its power more as everyone else is distracted by the Austro-Russian war in the East. Russia likely defeats Austria which Germany didnt at all want which is why she was allied to Austria to begin with. So German-Russian tensions would become alot higher.

Would Germany have won WW1 if the US didn’t enter?

No. Germany would not have won the war. The US was supplying the allies with large amounts of equipment and resources. It is likely Britain and France could have won the war without US troops.

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What would happen if the German Empire won WW1?

One thing that could be said if Germany won in the end. The country would have imposed peace on the defeated allies at the treaty of Potsdam, and it would not have had the reparations and grievances that were generally inflicted by France and Versailles. As a consequence, the rise of Hitler would have been less likely.

Why did the German Empire join WW1?

Germany’s violation of Belgian neutrality and British fears of German domination in Europe brought Britain and its empire into the war on 4 August. These actions reflect the fears, anxieties and ambitions of the European powers.

Did the US help end ww1?

Still, World War I marked a hinge in modern history: the moment the U.S. emerged as a global power and changed the meaning and direction of the 20th century. U.S. military power helped to bring the war to an end—a prospect at which the German government scoffed in 1917.

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Why was Germany never totally defeated in WW1?

It’s important to realize that Germany was never totally defeated in WW1. What happened was that British-led offensives in the summer of 1918 caused German leadership to panic and perceive defeat.

What would Germany have demanded if it won the war?

Germany itself never knew for sure what it would demand if it won the war. It’s original goal had been to vault itself onto the world stage as a major power. Most likely, Germany would have wanted to increase colonial possessions in Africa and Asia.

Could the Germans have won the war without British support?

Despite keeping much of their army in France, the Germans were still able to drive Russia out of the war by 1918. Without British support, even a Franco-Russian combination would probably have succumbed to German might.

What if Russia made peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary?

Russia had its own problems. It had already had its minor revolution, the uprisings of 1905, leading to political reforms and the creation of a Russian parliament, the Duma. If France is defeated in 1914, Russia probably makes peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary fairly quickly.