What is it when you say something but mean something else?

What is it when you say something but mean something else?

Irony is “the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” Inside jokes told subtly, so that outsiders don’t even know they are told, creates irony. Likewise, if I say something to you intending you to understand it one way, even though I mean it another way, I am speaking ironically.

How do you use mean in a sentence?

Mean sentence example

  1. I didn’t mean to scare you.
  2. What do you mean by that?
  3. I mean , that they didn’t feel this way all the time.
  4. I mean , one you have a chance of winning.
  5. They are always asking: What does this beauty or that music mean to you?
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What is it called when you say one thing and mean the opposite?

Antiphrasis is the rhetorical device of saying the opposite of what is actually meant in such a way that it is obvious what the true intention is. Some authors treat and use antiphrasis just as irony, euphemism or litotes.

What is another example of a phrase that does not mean what it literally says?

Idioms exist in every language. They are words or phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literally. For example, if you say someone has “cold feet,” it doesn’t mean their toes are actually cold. Rather, it means they’re nervous about something.

What are the examples of mean?

Mean: The “average” number; found by adding all data points and dividing by the number of data points. Example: The mean of 4, 1, and 7 is ( 4 + 1 + 7 ) / 3 = 12 / 3 = 4 (4+1+7)/3 = 12/3 = 4 (4+1+7)/3=12/3=4left parenthesis, 4, plus, 1, plus, 7, right parenthesis, slash, 3, equals, 12, slash, 3, equals, 4.

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What is the meaning of mean person?

If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel.

What are some Antiphrasis examples?

Examples of Antiphrasis:

  • You ate the spaghetti even though you knew it was cooked three weeks ago?
  • Thanks for spraying me with water when I just spent an hour doing my hair.
  • Pickles, peanut butter, and vanilla ice cream-yum, sounds delicious!
  • Our team refers to Mark, a huge offensive lineman, as tiny.