
What were some of the problems soldiers experienced while fighting?

What were some of the problems soldiers experienced while fighting?

Trench life involved long periods of boredom mixed with brief periods of terror. The threat of death kept soldiers constantly on edge, while poor living conditions and a lack of sleep wore away at their health and stamina.

What is combat experience?

n. 1 a fight, conflict, or struggle. a an action fought between two military forces. b (as modifier)

What challenges and problems did the colonists face while fighting the American Revolution?

There were poor roads, the people in charge of delivering the supplies were not always honest, and ships had difficulties getting around British blockades. Army supplies, such as clothing and blankets, arrived late or not at all and food was often spoiled or damaged.

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What did soldiers experience in ww2?

In most, sailors lived and worked in cramped conditions, often sleeping in bunks stacked in rooms housing dozens of sailors. Senior officers received small rooms of their own. Sixty-thousand American sailors lost their lives in the war. During World War II the Air Force was still a branch of the U.S. Army.

What were the two main reasons soldiers fought in the US Civil War?

Why They Fought Men on both sides were inspired to fight by patriotism, state pride, the chance for adventure, steady pay. Union soldiers fought to preserve the Union; the common Confederate fought to defend his home.

What are some reasons a southern soldier may have had for fighting?

The soldiers who fought in the Civil War had many different reasons for fighting: some believed it was their duty to their country; others saw it as an opportunity for adventure or to build a new life for themselves; still others were forced to go due to the institution of a military draft, or conscription, in the …

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What is it like to be a soldier in basic training?

Soldiers arrive at the Basic Training Unit from the Reception Battalion and are immediately immersed in an environment where every move they make is scrutinized by the Drill Sergeant. During the first week, you will start Physical Training and typically first thing in the morning.

Do some people handle the strain of combat better than others?

Some people, regardless of gender, handle the strain of combat and training better than others. And yes, as she points out, medical bills for combat-battered bodies are expensive.

Why are physical injuries so common in the military?

Physical injuries are part of the job, part of pushing and trying to meet a standard. One of the Army sayings I hate most is, “You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.” But it rings true in the sense that combat (and training for combat) produces injuries.

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What are the first few weeks of basic training like?

The first few weeks of Basic Training is definitely NOT the time to find a better way of doing things. Soldiers arrive at the Basic Training Unit from the Reception Battalion and are immediately immersed in an environment where every move they make is scrutinized by the Drill Sergeant.